This is the best goddamned game intro of all time.

That's flah... I've never played any of the new ones but recently got the rom for Contra hard corps for the genesis. The whole thing is like nonstop bosses.
I'm waiting for you... you... Waiting?...... yes.... I'm for..... you... I'll here..... wait...... you....


PS. Moved to General.
You know I think the PS1/N64 was the best generation of gaming.

FF7, 8 and 9
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64

These titles changed the face of video games forever. And really, when it comes down to the best of all time, they're ranked higher than any other game. In some cases like OOT, MGS and FF7, they're ranked #1.
Longo_2_guns said:
So if you come here, I'll find you.

So.... if you.. come here.... so if.... you... find you.... I'll find you?.... if you come? Find.
Yeah I agree with De-Ting, the intro for Diablo II is in my opinion, awesome. I prefer the intro for it's expansion pack Lord of Destruction, though.

For some reason I might have to say Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is one of the best intro's I've ever seen -

I would agree that the Final Fantasy VIII intro is awesome too but I'm only going to throw down games that I've played from start to finish so... I guess MGS3 it is for me.
De-Ting said:
Diabolus said:
Diablo II? pfft.

I was drunk when I wrote this anyway. I get excited easily while drunk, as witnessed here. ... 019/p1/?30
I think it's funny that you have a Diablo II avatar on there. :p

Yeah, I do that all the time. I like Diablo II, but when I see people talking about it I'll say it sucks balls just so they flip out when they notice my icon.

I used to have 'All time favorite game- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night' in my signature. So of course, I would always say Castlevania sucks when I saw someone talking about it.

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