Best Game ever. Any system, any year, any game.

TheRobinator said:
Custer's Revenge

May I be the first to call you a pervert and coat you in eyeball vomit, induced from having watched Custer's Revenge in GameTrailer's Top 10 Best and Worst games of all time, with Custer's Revenge earning the bronze for Worst Game, with E.T. for the Atari taking the silver and Superman 64 for the (surprise) N64 getting the gold.

Oh, and to add:

Command & Conquer
I would have to say Beyond Good & Evil is the best game I ever played. I'm surprised nobody said that on this message board. Instead they choose crap like Final Fantasy 7. Just because it was your first RPG shouldn't make it the the best. Did anyone you know say that the first car they drove was the best. I havn't.
i never played ff7, but ff8 and ffx were awesome.
this is actually really tough for me to decide but....if im looking for one that wasnt on here already (oregon trail was the shit when i was in elementary school) The old mario games for nes were fun, there was also a gijoe game for nes which absorbed a lot of my time as a youngster...jax and daxter was a fun one (yea i said it) but....hmm

World of Warcraft.
Padain said:
i never played ff7

Hey! Me neither. Sorry but I thought FF3 on SNES was really boring and that kinda turned me off the series. Anyway, here's mine

1. Shenmue 1 and 2
2. (Tie) Max Payne 1/2 as well as Ninja Gaiden: Black
Favorite game ever is GTA 3, I never wanted to break the law so much in my life! Plus it spawned my obsession with GTA games, so I had to say it.

ALSO: Shenmue 2, Dynasty Warriors 4, and Fable. It's hard to name favorites when so many goddamn games have taken so many precious hours away.
DawnOfNight said:
No mention of Starcraft!?
So I will :D
StarCraft: Brood War, If you don't think its the greatest game atleast agree with me its the best RTS PC Game?

Honerable mention: Paperboy, I just love hitting old people with newspapers :twisted:
i say the best RTS is command and conquer 3: tiberium wars
Tyrranis said:
TheRobinator said:
Custer's Revenge

May I be the first to call you a pervert and coat you in eyeball vomit, induced from having watched Custer's Revenge in GameTrailer's Top 10 Best and Worst games of all time, with Custer's Revenge earning the bronze for Worst Game, with E.T. for the Atari taking the silver and Superman 64 for the (surprise) N64 getting the gold.

Oh, and to add:

Command & Conquer
i agree that game just sux its so perverted and u actually watched that video on gametrailers its so good and if u watch that video it proves my point that ocarina of time is the best game ever
Frankfurter209 said:
Padain said:
i never played ff7

Hey! Me neither. Sorry but I thought FF3 on SNES was really boring and that kinda turned me off the series. Anyway, here's mine

1. Shenmue 1 and 2
2. (Tie) Max Payne 1/2 as well as Ninja Gaiden: Black
ive never played it either becuz i hate playstation and it was on ps1
The best game ever?

I dont know if they ever made a truly best game. In my opinion every game has its ups and downs. There will always be a bigger and better game in the makeing. Our technology is to good to make just 1 best game. My FAVORITE is gears of war.

Chew on that for a while.
I'm going with two that haven't been mentioned yet.

Can't decide between Final Fantasy Tactics and Age of
Empires II (with expansion)

Oh and best elementary school game (noticed there were a few on here)
Freddy the Fish.

Yup...I said it. Now can you top that?

Edit: Changed Age of Empires to Age of Empires II. Yah you're right HK-47. Two was much better. Three was just more of the same...with worse AI. In two they would rebuild farms after they finished one. In three...they just stand there asking for something to do.

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