Best Christmas gifts that you DIDN'T ask for


This year or all time.

This year I got GPS system for my car that I didn't ask for.

Ever would have to be the Sega Genesis in '93. I, nor either of my older brothers, did not ask for it. Awesome.

Tell me.
This year, so far, a retaining bar for the bed of my truck and a blue french cuff dress shirt. Oh, and Scrabble!
A Mr. Man tshirt. It's a XXL and I wear an XL but it's form fitting so it actually fits (try to make logic out of that?). It's pretty sweet actually so it made me happy
My own jar of chocolate chip cookies.

You must understand. These cookies are THE BEST. My family fights over these. They were sold out at one place my mom checked.
This year I got a couple things I didn't ask for that are pretty awesome:

The Tek Jansen graphic novel.

A bunch of travel books on England and Oxford, which I didn't ask for but expected.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Two watches, one fancy and one sport.

I once got tickets for Broadway which was a big surprise once. Used them to see "The Producers." Good decision on my part.
I got a lot of neccessities...socks, underwear and so on. But, my parents threw in an unexpected twist, a $20 bill attached to pretty much everything. So the gifts I got were cheaper, but I got cash with all of them.
My mom gave me a pack of Kleenex tissues and told me, " Since you didn't receive anything from us, you have these tissues to wipe your tears." I was upset only at first. I threw the tissues away only to find my mom digging through the garbage can and handing me 30 dollars.

But so far the best present I never asked for was the NES (This was when I was about 3 or something). The reason why is this system introduced me to video games.
I would have to say the skullcandy headphones that I got to use with the iPod touch that I'm using totype this :D
I got the first xbox for christmas once without even asking for it.

Also, I wish I got a gps for my car, my big ticket item was a blue-ray player which I'll be exchanging for a gps. I mean, the blue-ray player is great and all, but I only have a handful of dvds (more than half are seasons for animated shows like simpsons, venture brothers and futurama) and I don't see myself spending money on blue-ray discs.
The sega genesis when I was younger was awesome. This year I received an Alexander Ovechkin signed picture and that was pretty wicked.

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