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Missing Works Cited The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play written in response to the “communist scares” in America in the 1950’s. Miller chose “The Crucible” as the title because the definitions of the words match the play perfectly. A crucible is a container that can withstand high temperatures, often used to melt, and change the shape of metals. The town of Salem can be compared to the container that melts metals. The witchcraft trials can be compared to the severe tests or trials. Also, the severe tests or trials can be compared to how people are fighting themselves, and making moral decisions.
The Impact of Ben Loman’s Character on Theme and Character Development in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman Some characters in literature who only appear briefly in the work can have a tremendous impact on the literature. These characters have a significant presence in the literary work. In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Ben Loman is that character. Ben is the brother of the main character Willy. Though Ben has a brief part in this play, he affects the theme and development of other characters.
Immigration Open the book You asked and citizenship. Turn to page 2. "Immigration Canada aims to contribute to a stronger nation by: protecting refugees at home and abroad" (Immigration and Citizenship 2). Turn to page 5. "Immigration assesses that do not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion or sex" (Immigration and Citizenship 5). Disturbed. Turn to page 28. "Canada encourages the admission of business contribute to the nation’s economic and cultural wellbeing, and create job opportunities" (Immigration and Citizenship 28).
The colonization of North America is not a pretty story, to say the least. In order to colonize the land, the Europeans had to use slaves for manual labor; whether it be the African slaves in Barbados and Chesapeake, or the Native Americans mining for gold, or even orphan children working on farms. The colonial elites had to use force, persuasion, threat, and deceit to accomplish their goals and maintain control. Throughout history, we see many occasions in which one race enslaves another. But has it always been his way.
An Article, a Short Story, and a Poem This paper will analyze and compare an article, a short story, and a poem according to; audience, purpose, context, ethics, and stance. The article “Under the Volcano” is written by Jack McClintock and is the most informative. The persuasion to have people move away from the danger area of Mt. Rainier is very subtle. The article lists volcanoes that have erupted and when they did so. Throughout the article there are pictures of volcanoes and the corresponding text shows what is being done to monitor them.

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