Why has 2009 has been so dry in terms of new big releases?

It's only just occurred to me that we're nearly half way through the year and so far, the only new game that has really made the press so far is Resident Evil 5.

All the other "big" games that have come this year have either been re-releases, pseudo-sequels, ports or movie-licenced games.

The post-Christmas season is usually a bit slow, as is summer, but I don't remember it being this bad.
You have a point, it's been slow. But there are some gems coming out later. EG Bioshock 2 and MW2.
All the good games are coming out Q3 and Q4, that's how it always is in the game industry most of the time. They put out their games right before Christmas to boost up their sales because people are more willing to shell out cash for Christmas than over the summer and such is why this happens.
Don't forget MadWorld!

The really big releases are coming in the Fall. There's Bioshock 2, Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2. Man that's alot of 2's.
Lots of people play games in the summer but the majority do not because it's nice out side and like to spend it out in the sun.

So it makes sense for the best videogames to get released during the fall/winter when the weather gets colder.
Great games always come out during the winter season. Why? It's the holidays and video games make great gifts. Think MGS4.
This year has been action-packed for me. Owning every hot console on the market will do that to you, even without a friggin' PC.
Re: Why has 2009 has been so dry in terms of new big release

PsychoSavager said:
so far, the only new game that has really made the press so far is Resident Evil 5.

All the other "big" games that have come this year have either been re-releases, pseudo-sequels, ports or movie-licenced games.

Wasn't RE5 a sequel too though?
And yeah, it's been slow, but not ridiculously slow. Wait for fall. That always sees more game sales than spring/summer. And winter, of course, will have Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2.
I just beat Uncharted today for the first time and my GOD was that game good! I'm about to start playing it again already.

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