US entertainment industry to Congress: make it legal for us

madster111 said:
De-Ting said:
The only problem is, well, imagine EA with the legal ability to add and remove software from your computer...
No, imagine EA with the ability to stop your computer, and every computer on your network from working.
So, basically, hell but with more lawyers. Some form of theoretical super-hell.

This is akin to somebody stealing your bike, and then you wait till they're asleep and give them smallpox. A bit fucking overkill.

intoTheRain said:
everybody on the internet steals whatever the fuk they want whenever the fuk they want as if its their right.

everyone acts surprised and angry when companies start taking extreme measures to solve the problem.

bunch of fedora wearing hipsters.
Stealing is removing something from someone.

Piracy is just that, piracy. It's not theft in that the original copy is still there.

Show me where i can pay for 720p movies with no DRM, no trailers, no ads or menu and 1gb or less in size. Show me where i can pay to download these movies at my max connection speed for a reasonable price. Don't forget to make sure it's available in all regions, 24/7 and there's no limit on the number of times i can download them.
Then i will stop pirating movies.

I don't pirate much music these days, because i'm a fedora wearing hipster faggot who listens to small artists who let you give them a couple bucks and then you download FLAC copies of their songs and get to keep them forever.
Games? I've spent serious coin at Good old Games, because it's convenient to do so. $5 and a few minutes later, and i have a DRM free game forever. It's only the DRM-filled, overly expensive AAA releases these days, and that's predominantly to protect myself. For a recent example, see GRID 2. If i didn't pirate that game, i would have spent $80 on an abysmal piece of shit and would've been unable to obtain a refund.

all i see is a punk kid defending his pirating habits and threatening people with violence when they want to protect their property.

"if it costs too much or i don't like the company its OK for me to steal it".. Thats all I see.

If I ever come to Australia I'll steal your car and leave a note informing you they were too expensive at the dealership so its OK, I'm sure you'll understand. And don't act all alpha and tell me you'd kill me because you wouldn't do shit.

If you weren't retarded, you would have waited for reviews on GRID 2, as I am doing, before purchasing it (sorry pirating it in your case, but thats OK because the game sucked right?).

But I forgot "WHEN ITS NOT ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE CONVENIENT TO PIRATE. ".. it's more convenient to pirate so its OK.

What am I even reading..

They can spy on me all I want, if I don't like it I won't use a computer or buy games anymore. Such is life. If you didn't see this coming a LONG time ago you're completely blind. No one is forcing you to own a computer, buy games etc. If you want to pirate, deal with the consequences.

You just defended your illegal habits with extremely ridiculous arguments, then threaten to KILL people for taking measures to stop the illegal activities you're partaking in. Do you realize how fucking retarded and pathetic that is?

And BTW, I never called you a faggot, I don't have anything against gay people. So that ones on you.

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