UghRochester for Moderator 2014 Edition

[wind blowing all too knowingly into the night sky; a light drizzle equaling less than the first automatic setting on your car's windshield wiper, present and annoying, but not yet intrusive so you can drive with the windows down still]
"Not the Moderator GR needed, but the one it deserved..."
~~ Optimus-Crime, Commissioner
(click the link then watch the picture, now do you get it?)
WickedLiquid said:
You're all right, but why just a mod? I've thought this over for some time. Ugh should definitely be Grandmaster and he has my vote!


Join the #UghMovement

Edit: over 10,000 views in less than 30 minutes! The people have spoken!
Over 100,000 views in one day! Amazing! The #UghMovement is going full steam ahead!


Contact Aaron Broder, Co-Founder and CEO of Evolve Media (GR is a subsidiary of CraveOnline / Gorilla Nation Media), and let him know the people have spoken!

5140 West Goldleaf Circle, Floor 3
Los Angeles, CA 90056
Tel: 310-449-1890

Call and demand to speak to Aaron Broder or Brian Fitzgerald! Tell him about the #UghMovement here at GR! Tell them your name is Daniel Bischoff, I did!
First names only (demand to speak to A-Dog or The Brian-ster, Brian-Man, Brian-rama ((yes all 3 for one guy)) and tell them, again, you're Daniel Bischoff).
Add him on LinkedIn under a false account. I know I have (Daniel_Bischoff)! I'm spamming him tons of Private Messages about GR's #UghMovement
He and Brian Fitzgerald own this place. Tell them about the #UghMovement

Aaron Broder needs to know that over 100,000 people want to see Ugh as a Moderator, right here at the GR forums!

Aaron's personal email address
[email protected]
Tell him you're Daniel Bischoff, that's what I did and it worked!
Here's his phone number! (310) 454-3489
Tell him you're Daniel Bischoff and you demand that the #UghMovement be heard!
Fax Aaron Broder, owner of Game Revolution, Gorilla Nation, CraveOnlin (and AtomicOnline) at (310) 454-3486! Do it now, with the heading ATTN: AARON BRODER \ From: Daniel Bischoff RE: #UghMovement

Daniel You're Going To Want To Contact Me...via PM please, as I'm quite sensitive about my personal affairs
I'm UghRochester, and I'm going to represent GR as everyone should...


But they don't...


because they're not me.


[email protected]
(310) 454-3489, Aaron Broder's phone number. Tell him Daniel from GR sent you.


Well we need opposition! So Ugh's opponent will be:


I fucking love baked beans.
:Ugh: I have a small apartment and I need more space

No fool, you need more lighting.. That youtube clip felt like a bin laden video, it was so F'N dark in there.

replace all the bulbs in your house with bright hyper white Xenon type bulbs, and dump the yellowish lighting. It'll change your outlook on life, believe me.
Yeah, apart from light that video is perfect Howie - no faults whatsoever...nada...nil...
Ugh needs an opponent. I suggest Madster.

Ugh VS Maddy 2014

One supports gay marriage the other supports all wars because they love America. Who will you vote for?
I actually called the number listed, it said I could not be connected. someone get me a working phone, a glass of scotch (for every ice cub in it I will beat an orphan) and a number to reach this man, so I can drunkenly yell that Ugh needs to be a moderator and that I need a handjob from Katie, or if she's unavailable, Longo
Icepick said:
I actually called the number listed, it said I could not be connected. someone get me a working phone, a glass of scotch (for every ice cub in it I will beat an orphan) and a number to reach this man, so I can drunkenly yell that Ugh needs to be a moderator and that I need a handjob from Marisha, or if she's unavailable, Longo


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