The Best Trailers


GT recently did a thing were they evaluated the top 100 trailers of video games of all time. It was interesting to watch and see what they chose and be reminded of various trailers that were awesome. If you're curious what got #1 it was the Bioshock X06 trailer.

Anyways even though there are trailers that, awesome as they may be, never fully show what the game will be like or raise the wrong expectations of what the game will be. Perfect example in my opinion is the Dead Island trailer, one of the emotionally touching (not gay to say) trailers for a game I've seen in a while and from what I've heard the actual game doesn't touch you like the trailer did. Some games you know you're going to get no matter any trailer but there are some trailers that are the deciding factor of your future purchase and I was curious what some of you guy's favorite or at least memorable trailers may be new or old. If you have any you want to mention you can post links of the trailer but don't have to.

For me trailers that have left a memory for me were Killzone 2's first E3 trailer, Bioshock X06 trailer, Halo 2's E3 playthrough trailer, Caspian Border, The Old Republic's jedi vs sith and alderaan trailers and Call of Duty 4's reveal trailer (raised so much excitement for me at the time)

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