Ted Talks


As you may know, from my topic on bowel blockage and the pain that comes from removing said obstruction, I spent a lot of time in the past week in bed

Looking desperately to find some variety of entertainment that involved nothing more than lying still, I eventually stumbled across Ted Talks, I'm wondering if anyone else has seen them. It's essentially just a series of conferences discussing all varieties of subjects, from human sexuality, to waste to energy ideas, to concepts for space colonization. If you haven't seen or heard of them, I'd suggest checking them out as they're quite informative, and the wide array of topics ensures there's at least something that mildly interests you

For those that have seen them, any interesting ones you can recommend? One of my favorites is a discussion regarding the school system and how it destroys creative thinking, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtY
That was great. Makes me feel even better about myself for not following the system, going to the Academy of Information Technology, and getting a GED. Did I miss out on some opportunities? Yes, but it was a necessary sacrifice to cement my understanding of myself being a very different person than everybody else.

Anyway, I sometimes watch Vsauce on youtube whenever I feel like just watching something. Tons of topics, lots of cool information.
I think I'm one of few people I know who aren't crazy about TEDtalks. If you like them, though, you should also be aware of TEDxTalks, especially if there are any near to you. Those are just independently organized TED Talk events. Browse them by popularity or date posted: http://tedxtalks.ted.com/

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