RIP Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs has always, and will continue to be, one of my role models.

Rather he has anonymously contributed to charity over the years or not doesn't matter. Because he became famous doesn't automatically appoint him to the role of ambassador for world welfare.

He is one of the greatest minds of our time, proved that one man with a vision can change the world. One of my favorite Jobs' quotes has always been, "I want to put a ding in the world."

President Obama said it best in his remarks with two different quotes, "Steve was among the greatest of American innovators - brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it." and "there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. "
UrbanMasque said:
GiftedMonkey said:
"There has long been speculation that an anonymous $150 million donation to the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, San Francisco may have come from Mr. Jobs."

It has been long speculated that the bible stories are documented events of alien encounters.

Guess it must be true.


have not laughed at an internet picture harder than that in a long time.. if ever.

but i kinda disagree about not liking a guy because you aren't aware if he donated any money.. how do you really even know? maybe he does make anonymous contributions? a lot of people don't believe in donating something and then flaunting that they'd done so to a bunch of other people. a selfless good deed.

so i can't judge a guy for not doing better things with his money, when i honestly have no clue in the first place.

i don't know the guy, i haven't met the guy, all i know is what the media has told me. therefore i will not judge the guy.

i also do not care that he has passed away. sounds cold, but as i said above, i do not know the guy. i have my doubts he'd give two shits if i passed away. and i'm a pretty decent guy. i do as best i can to help other people out, within my means of course.
^agreed. I just don't like that the drone Mac users are hailing this guy as such huge innovator who made a massive contribution to mankind. He had an impact on popular culture, true - but if he hadn't someone else would've. So is the way with the free market. Pres. Obama is trying to keep what little base he has by saying, "see I acknowledged him too" - which is sad, because the same day civil rights leader Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth passed away... and not a single F*** was given. Once again, Jobs - super businessman no doubt.. Innovator?:?

You tell me who made the bigger contribution to humanity? Who was the bigger "outside the box" thinker? Who did more to increase the quality of life? Who gave more back to their local and national community?

Now answer me this - Which person took your money? Which person took your jobs away - maybe permanently? Which person used their wealth to make more wealth for themselves and not PUBLICLY give back?

I'm not buying this anonymity thing, because nothing is better for PR than charitable giving.. plus its a HUGE tax write off.

A lost life should always be mourned, but a little perspective is needed once and a while.

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