On closing topics

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Insomuch as every topic that I make inevitably ends up becoming locked, I'd like to open up a discussion as to the procedures that go into it.

More specifically, there are two things that seem to occur:

1. A topic gets locked, but no explanation is given. This is problematic because it immediately disallows the user(s) from identifying the actions that warranted the closure, and subsequently prevents them from improving their posting habits (i.e. learning)

2. When disagreements occur, there is a higher propensity for a topic to become locked. Why is this? If anything, differences in opinion provide optimal ground for more interesting discussion to take place. Of course, if disagreements are simply ad hominem attacks a la 3rd grade insults, then no doubt should such chaos be terminated. But if disagreements provide added layers of complexity to an argument, then shouldn't we promote this rather than extinguish it?

What do you think?

Concerning your last topic, I don't really know why it was closed - it seemed relatively civil, even if I don't agree with the subject.

But meh...Every mod is different.
You made a suggestion. It was noted.

Kinda silly to have to debate the creation of a forum that will never come into being. But God help me for taking away the ability to give the last word on the internet. So debate away on this dead horse that you continue to beat.
Mod-Chip, you should know if you have a problem with the closure of your topic you should Private Message the moderator whom closed it. Please dont be a child and create a new topic everytime.
MattAY said:
Mod-Chip, you should know if you have a problem with the closure of your topic you should Private Message the moderator whom closed it. Please dont be a child and create a new topic everytime.

How do I know which mod to contact when a topic is closed?

Also, it still doesn't provide the opportunity for other users to get transparency in regards to why a particular topic was closed. It just makes the mods look lazy.

Lastly, it seems mods are too trigger-happy with closing topics that revolve around disagreement...if we all agreed on everything, what's the point on posting in the first place?

Just so everyone knows. The mod who posted last in the thread before its closure is the mod who closed it and who you should contacts.

OK, and I'm just going to say this since, I don't know, maybe it means more coming from me than from admins like Lethean or Longo, or mods like Wicked, Bret, or Matt.

We close topics as the need arises. Many times... like 99% of times, this need never comes. The need to close a topic is generally obvious to everyone, except to those who started the topic or were in the middle of some discussion (except in the rare case that some discussion has gone by the wayside in a very nice, polite way, as is evident by our own Green_Lantern here).

BBK is not in trouble, there's no chance he's going to be banned. The fact is, he's been an exemplary forum member by
1) not spamming the forums
2) not attacking anyone individual
3) not stooping to harassment, vulgarity or more

His topics are being closed because it's time to move the fuck on. Seriously everyone. This one thread crossed the line, and a whole fucking shit storm has popped up around it. So let's move on. Really, if that thread weren't so graphic it probably could have stayed open, but if you want to discuss in explicit detail how your sexual escapade went, or what a needle feels like in your eyeball as you're shooting hard drugs, the GameRevolution forums really aren't for you, so that's why we're closing your thread.

Again, that's not to say you're not welcome here, just that discussion isn't. So, to spell it out one last time, if ANY OF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, please toss me a PM. I don't have over 2000 posts because I'm paid to be on this website everyday. I have 2000 posts because I genuinely like this community, I genuinely like these forums. I haven't had this many friends online since I was playing 6+ hours of counter-strike: Source everyday in college.

Check out my birthday message to Used if you don't believe me.

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