Midway Games


Died today. I know this is the Daily Manifesto topic, but I feel it's appropriate to have a forum topic dedicated to it too. The company is finished, and although Warner Bros. Interactive has bought most of the rights to their better games, the new editions of these games (if there will ever be any) will simply not be the same now that the Midway logo is gone. Let's all take a moment to remember a company who, for many of us, created the games that defined our childhoods
^Agreed, I just got Monkey Island off of there.

I lament the falling of Midway, but at the same time...they were an arcade company. They always seemed to push games that had little story depth.

That being said, they brought us I will greatly miss them and hopefully someone makes a good, dumb, N64-style Gauntlet again. And Blitz and Jam will always be welcome in my house. Y'know, I'm breaking out the 64 this weekend.
Blitz, Jam, Hitz, and Slugfest are always welcome in my house, just none from the Pro series and the less said about Blitz: The League the better
It's hard to write anything about this, although I am developing an article on Midway...

One of the first didn't make it, but it had no one to blame but themselves for that too.
LinksOcarina said:
The arcade generation is still here...it's just in different form now.

There is a big difference between the arcade and the online console. Going to the arcade in AZ was an experience. And being able to look at the guy next to you and yell, "Where's yo' curly moustache?" Priceless.

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