member review... um council?


well with the pelthora of.. less than stellar reviews, I was thinking a clean up could be in order

but better yet, assign a group of well known respected posters. as kind of a review... reviewing team... if that makes any sense

and if the general concensus is that it should be removed, they would have the power to do so
there's some garbage that needs cleaning up, thats for sure.

in the future (and this is one of the reasons we're still in beta for whoever asked that for the 164th time) user reviews that get enough "one star" ratings will automatically go away.

also users with higher rankings will have more "star power" to influence what stays and what goes.
Duke_Ferris said:
in the future (and this is one of the reasons we're still in beta for whoever asked that for the 164th time) user reviews that get enough "one star" ratings will automatically go away.
See, that is a good idea, but what if it also gets a large amount of 5 stars? Will it still disappear.
the equation is not totally formulated yet, but no, if a review also has a lot of 5-star ratings, it will average up, and not get buried.

to help prevent abuse by fake multiple accounts, users with a lot of medals will have far more "star power" than people with few or none. a single gr veteran will have the same influence as dozens of noobs.
Will that Gr veteran still have the same influence as many noobs if they haven't been involved in reviews much?
And if the "enough one stars" system doesn't work out (I have no idea how difficult that is to implement), I for one will gladly volunteer to help get rid of the stuff that really is there for no reason.

First and foremost of my criteria would be whether or not it seems that the review is in any way serious. The pure hatefests and "reviews" only meant to mock the official reviewers will be meeting my Review Hammer of Doom (a decendant of the hammer Mjolnir, by the way. Hey, when you're a Norseman, you get certain perks).

As for the rest... Well, basically, the writing should at least be legible. Length is not a criteria in itself, though I have noticed that there is a fairly strong correlation between very short and very bad reviews.

Perhaps such a team could also be able to edit the reviews purely for formatting reasons? You know, turning one loooong paragraph into several shorter ones, that kind of stuff. No changing of the actual content, of course. I know that we can edit our own reviews, but if you're not doing such an easy thing correctly the first time, then I'll wager you don't care enough, and thus will only be annoyed that people ask you to improve your work. So might as well cut down the process with one step that makes it quicker and less painless for everyone involved.

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