iOS or Android games you play right now?

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I have been active in mobile gaming once again and tried games with different genres. Exploring all types of genres is my goal now. Trying to set a benchmark when picking a game. I visited the appstore and google play and made my own research to make a list of all the games that I will play especially during the weekend.

First in my gaming list is Royal Revolt, a reversed tower defense game. Instead of making defense for your own territory, you will play as the invaders. Really cool and exciting story, gameplay and animation. Next up is Dead Trigger, a first person zombie action shooter game. High end graphics and controls. It can be a little tricky at first but you can adapt to it if you play longer. Last but not the least is Kingdom of Legend or K.O.L, a strategy game. One of the few and newest strategy games that I have played in Android and iOS. What I liked about this game is that you can control your own Kingdom. Resources, upgrades, soldiers and a whole lot more. Not to mention that the wars in this game are international. All players around the world can participate. The game itself is very easy to understand along with its mechanics. Superb illustrations of soldiers. A real eye candy if you ask me.

All I can say is that I enjoyed all these games but as a strategist in all types of games I play, King of Legend best suits me well. With all my friends and other players around the world all in one game, this would be one heck of a challenge.
Obvious ad is obvious, but on the topic of mobile games, why hasn't anyone made a real, Age of Empires style RTS game yet? I would play that crap straight into the ground.
I emulate Nintendo and Super Nintendo games on my android. I like to play Chrono Trigger when I fly on a airplane.
God darn it... this is an add bot talking. This was a topic i was actually interested in! Screw you, skynet!

Welp, still wanted to tell people to get Kingdom Rush for their phones. The only tower defense game that even the strongest hater of tower defense would get sucked into easily.
Android only


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