Holy batman! We forgot about the oscars!



Huh... AHEM! was totally watching it! Not posting ponies pics here! no siree!

So who won best pic? Argo? That's cool. Django got best screenplay? all right! Heck even skyfall got the goods! And what else? ...Les miserable? :x really? Sigh...

*goes back to ponyville*
Sky fall should have been nominated for best picture. Remember when films like Raiders of The Lost Ark were nominated? Yeah me neither because I was like 1.

Glad Sky fall picked up some awards though and even though Affleck was snubbed in the director category its nice to see Ang Lee won for Life of Pi.

Lesson: If you ever find yourself nominated for an acting role alongside Daniel Day Lewis you should probably just forfeit your statue over to him.
I missed out on the Oscars this year. :(

I'm only upset because I missed Seth McFarlene host the awards, ah well.

I'm assuming Django Unchained got shafted? That would make sense since I was rooting for it for Best Picture. The worst was the one year where I would have been happy if Inception, The Social Network, 127 Hours, The Fighter, Toy Story 3 or Black Swan won Best Picture but instead it goes to The King's Speech.

But I'm glad Argo won.
WickedLiquid said:
The worst was the one year where I would have been happy if Inception, The Social Network, 127 Hours, The Fighter, Toy Story 3 or Black Swan won Best Picture but instead it goes to The King's Speech.
Which was fine, because it was easily the best movie from that year. But still.
Here's an important life lesson Longo, you're going to meet people in this world who aren't always going to agree with you
I'm happy Jennifer Lawerence won Best Actress because a) Didn't really expect her to win at all. b) I have a huge crush on her and c) The way she fell and then rolled with it was awesome
WickedLiquid said:
I'm assuming Django Unchained got shafted?

It got the best supporting actor and the best original screenplay. It had tough competition let me tell ya. But as much as that film was fun, it couldn't compare to Argo.

Also, i know it wasn't the best film but darn it, the hobbit should of won at least best costume!
I don't know about you all, but I'm getting really tired of all the docu-dramas that have been released recently like Argo and Zero Dark Thirty.
Right, since both of those (as an example) are completely factually and historically accurate and not "hollywoodified."
Green_Lantern said:
Right, since both of those (as an example) are completely factually and historically accurate and not "hollywoodified."

I know but that's the Oscars. Bunch of old farts who pick the movies that feel more disturbingly real rather than the ones that were more entertaining.

Argo was a really good movie and I'm satisfied with it winning. But I was rooting for Django Unchained because it's more "hollywoodified" lol.
All y'all need to take a chill pill when "My Favorite Movie of the Year" didn't become "Academy Award Winning Feature Film." Are you people genuinely surprised that a 007 movie or a cartoon about video games didn't dominate and a musical did? The Academy is a pompous, highfalutin' organization of 6,000 elderly Hollywood Jews, of course your favorite movie isn't going to be their favorite movie.

Anyways, I thought it was a good show. The six major awards went to six different movies, only the third time this has happened. A bunch of good movies came out last year, and they were all honored for what they did best.

And besides, we are all forgetting the biggest Oscar news: I won six bucks in my work's Oscar pool, when I tied for first and got 20 out 24 predictions right. Thank you, thank you.

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