Hitman: Absolution |OT|


Preorder from Amazon and get $10 off. Today only. And I'm assuming anyone who already preordered is now getting theirs at $50 as well they the preorder Price Guarantee.

Good stuff, but I'm not sold on the game. I'll be waiting for some reviews.
I might be getting it if it's like Blood Money though I'd be playing it purist mode since I like figuring out the NPC's patrol and routine like a creepy stalker assassin guy.
Purist doesn't even have the Instinct ability so you'll need to follow them around sneakily or in a disguise. It's a lot of fun to listen to the little conversations that pop up.
I'd buy it, but I'm going to be broke shortly (thanks grad school applications!) and I have too many other games to play anyways.

Also, someone should consider maybe changing the title of this topic.
Started playing... the second I heard Batesons voice I let out a little squeal. Didn't play a lot today... finished the first mission, but it seems that I'm getting myself into a fun game.

Though the 'antihero must protect innocent child' story that will probably unravel before me is a bit cliché I don’t care because I don't play Hitman games for the story. :3
danielrbischoff said:
Hey Kijan! I never know what's going to get you to post haha. And yeah the story is pretty stupid but the level design is excellent.

You indicating that you might care about my posts is a 100% to get me posted. :*
Anyone else disliking the trial and error process needed in order to score some kills on higher difficulties?

And is there any way to save the game midway? Or is there only the check - point system? Because GOD DAMN IT do I hate replaying the same section over and over and over again because someone spotted me and I didn't know he was there in the first place. -_-
Started playing on Hard... and got mad because I had to some sections so many times because a guard either spotted me or saw me dumping a body.

Now I'm playing on normal and the game is much more satisfying. I'll probably tackle the missions on higher difficulties after getting familiar with the map layout. :)
Finished it... the story was meh, scratched my head so many times during the cutscenes. Some of the locations were awesome to experiment in and God did I hate 47 switching back to his old suit between cutscenes when I had something else on.

Anyway, good game, Blood Money is still better. But I'm kind of worried when I read that they're making an annual series out of 47. :/
Kijan said:
God did I hate 47 switching back to his old suite between cutscenes when I had something else on

That something Dead Rising 2 handles brilliantly. Chuck just wears whatever, even if it causes huge issues with the scripted actions. Even the little load screens between sequences show him in the clothes he's currently wearing.

I just got Absolution. I tried playing the first few minutes of the tutorial, but the house was too hectic. I'm so excited to start it though.
Definitely just turn off your brain in the story bits and enjoy the sandboxes they let you kill in. I'm still enjoying Contracts Mode when I go back into the game. It dissects the story out of every level and just gives you pure gameplay.
I've completed the game on Normal and enjoyed the hell out of it. I'm currently going through each level trying to get every challenge. Some are very difficult, some make me wonder how I didn't get them on my first try. I'm perfectly happy with the Normal difficulty after a colleague of mine told me what Purist is like. To get anywhere he's exploiting weaknesses in the AI and it actually sounds less realistic than lower difficulties. In the Shangri La level he had to use a radio in a room to distract one guard at a time until he had strangled and hidden everyone in his way. There are plenty of ways to distract them but he couldn't figure it out because of Purist difficulty.

I've given Contracts a few goes and do love the mode but I've got a weird relationship with time limits: I either hate them or get addicted to getting faster and I can have either reaction to different contracts. I've been ranked in the top 200 of some very popular contracts because I got hooked on improving my score.

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