HD remastering....kills the original charm at times?

I felt that while playing Halo Anniversary , MGS collection and Metro Redux.

It makes me feel that the gameplay experience has been improved, but somewhere we are missing the original flavor that made the games what they are today. For example, that small lag (...checkpoint done) in Halo, the gritty and unclean interface of original Metro, the low polygon count in MGS 2/3 are stuff that we have noticed, yet ignored. And yes, to experience a classic IMO, it is best to play the classic with its faults.

And don't forget this re-mastering strategy is serving up nicely to not providing backward compatibility to new consoles.
Seriously, are these games that aged that we need a remastered version?
There is one reason, and one real reason only why they make HD remasters....


Does it need it? Probably not, but they do it anyway!
I've only experienced MGS 2/3, Halo, DMC HD and Silent Hill HD collections. I never played the original Halo, so cant really see what you're on about. Never had a complaint with the DMC and MGS ones. But Silent Hill obviously had the fog issue everyone complained about, so you might be onto something there. I personally didn't see anything to complain about there, but then again I'm a pussy and was more focused on the "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THAT NOISE!!??" aspect of my experience!

Really want the FFX HD too! It really is just an excuse to play through these masterpieces again!
Depends on the remastering really.

The pokemon remasters add new features and modernize the games, look at Ruby and Sapphire coming out in a month as an example of that. It's not a full on HD remaster, but it's a full blown remake.

Most remasters are remakes in a sense, since they have to change some gameplay elements to fit modern settings, especially if it's using old school online capabilities Sonic Adventure 2 comes to mind as an example, had to eliminate the Dreamcast online work to make it a complete game.

Some games are hurt by it though. sonic Adventure 2, the Baldur Gate games...the list is pretty grand.
Some work and some don't. I enjoy a lot of HD remasters, such as Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid. I've been told some remasters though unfortunately aren't worth it, e.g. Resident Evil 4 for PS3/X-Box 360.
But really....MGS 3 faults were well ironed out by Subsistence. And scrapping BC in all PS3 models, even ending the software emulation support for PS2 titles quite literally destroyed the hope of using that well collected PS2 library on PS3. PS4 released with no BC whatsoever (a PS2 support would have been nice just like PS3 had pS1 support).

And now they want us to pay extra for HD remakes.....agreed this is more of a "more money" strategy.
While we are at it, MS is seriously thinking of imparting software emulation of X360 ttiles on XB1!!!
I think it's a good opportunity for younger players to play classic games or for people who missed these games to get a crack at them. Either way, I'm all for them, even if they are the same game with better graphics. It can take away from the experience if you've played them before, but I'm not getting FFX or Kingdom Hearts HD because I played those already. But if I did want to play them again, now I can without digging up my PS2 and they'll have better graphics.

Rakon said:
I think it's a good opportunity for younger players to play classic games or for people who missed these games to get a crack at them. Either way, I'm all for them, even if they are the same game with better graphics. It can take away from the experience if you've played them before, but I'm not getting FFX or Kingdom Hearts HD because I played those already. But if I did want to play them again, now I can without digging up my PS2 and they'll have better graphics.


Totally agree. I've been playing the HD god of war collection on my PS3 recently, because I never played any of them before now.
I would pay good money for an HD remastering of the PS2 Ace Combat games.

But Namco hates money, so that won't happen.
There are some great features about some of the HD Remastering games that I like. For example, Halo Anniversary. You can switch back and forth to compare the HD version and the old Xbox version. Loved that featured. Also, The Last of Us: Remastered. That game was truly about how great looking it was on PS3 and pushed the PS3 powers. Now, the remastered version has that photo mode for SP which is pretty sweet. People can use the PS4 Share feature and take amazing looking screenshots. Unfortunately, it gets compressed to Facebook.

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