^ Holy crap. My first "when I got drunk" story is no where near as entertaining as that.
Long story short, was sixteen years old, walked around the town with two mates looking for friends to drink with, but because I was so fat and unfit back then, it was a torturous night for me where I just ended up super tired, sweaty and wanting to go home all night. The end.
I do have another story that once again involves beer. No everclear, sorry. It's a long one.
So, I've got a good mate who is probably one of the nicest, sweetest people you'll meet, until he touches alcohol. When that happens, he has the potential to become manifest into a complete dickhead, the kind who gets angry easily and wants to try and fight his own friends. This was back in '09 and we were celebrating his 22nd birthday.
The night begins at his place, where we're all enjoying a barbecue dinner. Here where I live, we have our own state beer, "NT Beer", it's a comical, almost novelty beer that always comes in a two liter bottle and is probably the most disgusting alcoholic substance you can shove down your body. Birthday boy manages to "scull" the whole bottle in one go. In an instant, he begins to projectile vomit across the garden, before clapping his hands and announcing "Let's go to town!" (town being night clubs). At this point, I should have just gone home.
So we went to town and we stopped by an Irish pub. Within minutes of arriving, the birthday boy gets bounced by security. When I go outside, everyone who was at the party was gone, they ditched him. I called one of my friends and asked where he was, and he laughed saying
"Dude, he's way off, it's going south from here, you should go home too". I thought that was a pretty douchey thing to do, so I was foolishly determined to stick around and insure my friend makes it home in one piece.
So I stopped drinking, decided now would be the time to try and sober up. We walked around for ages looking for a place to drink, and eventually my friend found this drunk random guy, crying and saying his brother will beat him up (not my friend, but himself). My friend basically stood with this guy for ten minutes, psyching up by screaming
"I'M A WARRIOR! I AM UNBEATABLE!" the guy started shouting back. Jesus.
So now that my friend has turned this guy into a Super Saiyan, we leave and go into a bar, where my friend manages to strike up a conversation with two women - who are probably in their fifties. These two said women also had partners (boyfriends or husbands, I dunno) who came along and tried to fight my friend. He tried to fight them, but luckily the bouncers pulled everyone a part, while I pulled my friend out of the bar.
Eventually, I convinced my friend that it was time to go home, so while we're waiting for a taxi, this random van pulls up. The lady asks
"You boys need a ride?", I hesitate, but my friend jumps in the van immediately.
This was a grade A, proper hippie van. Beads hanging from the ceiling, smell of a funny smoke, a Goddamn disco ball, and a random dog. I'm not kidding, this woman was a time traveler from the 70's.
So she takes us back to my friend's house and he tries to convince her to come in and have some drinks, but she denies it. I encourage the decline, attempting to get my friend out faster. We finally get out of the van and my friend tries to jump over his fence, falling over head first. I panic, see if he's okay and he responds
"OF COURSE I'M FINE. I'M A WARRIOR" before he runs out into the middle of the road, attempting to take his shirt off, and then falls over onto his back.
It's about 4 AM right now, and my friend's dad comes out onto the road,
"You've gotta get up, mate. Get inside. You're embarrassing yourself." my friend wouldn't budge, taking refuge on the road. His dad says to me
"Thanks Craig, but you should go home. It's late. Don't worry about this mess." I tell him that I'm gonna try and get him off the road and inside. Shortly after, my friend's older brother comes out,
"Get the fuck off the road." he says. My friend responds,
"Fuck you!" and instantly, his brother punches him in the face. My friend is so drunk that he didn't even feel it.
I notice my friend is laying down in a Goddamn puddle. I kneel down beside him,
"Hey man, get up, we gotta get you out of this puddle.", he responds
"Fuck off, I'm taking a piss!", I ask
"What?" and he repeats "I'M TAKING A PISS!"
I look down, and the puddle that he's laying in is expanding. My knees are in this puddle.
Yeah, okay. Fuck this.
So I get up, I decide to leave and my friend gets up after me. He tries to convince me to stay for more drinks, I angrily tell him off, but at the same time, I'm essentially scolding him while making sure he climbs into his damn bed.
So finally, the adventure was over, but it was now 5 AM I had to spend the next hour walking home, with piss all over my trousers.
If people tell you to just leave the guy, then maybe you should.