Get a Write On. [Editable title: Syndicate]

When suddenly...

Yes, dear reader, the house was haunted by Hammer and his peers, the foulest stench in the air, the funk of forty thousand years. As grisly ghouls from every tomb closed in to seal her doom, she froze in place upon realizing the new power that looms.
And though she fought to stay alive her body starts to shiver for no mere mortal can resist the evil of the thriller.
But almost before the beloved choreographed shuffle can even begin, the routine is interrupted by a thunderous boom and a cloud of red mist where one of the ghouls had previously been standing.

KACHAK. The unmistakable sound of a mechanical pump sliding back and forth...

BOOM! Another explosion that disintegrates the head of another ghoul, giving the dull, faded walls a fresh coat of dark ichor.

With the speed, accuracy and deadly efficiency that only a trained professional could possess, the ghouls, while having uncanny rhythm but slow reflexes, were methodically mowed down one after another until none were left standing.

Ears ringing and covered from head to toe in a layer of viscera, the agent could only stare, eyes wide, at the figure emerging from the thick cloud of smoke that had amassed during the chaos.


"Am I early for the open house?"
The ichor covered agent runs to Sargent Hall. "Get me out of here!", she pleads. Before he can lead her out, a low rumble shakes the mansion. A voice booms from the ceiling, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Hamarrstund." In a flash of light, a figure appears in ballooned out pants, sunglasses, and a jacket with no shirt wielding a large sequined hammer. "I'm gonna hurt 'em".

The air gets cold and down from an upper balcony, a figure in an American flag jacket and a pompadour haircut projects a slide of ice from his hands and rides it to the floor. "Let's kick it. You ain't gonna sell this house lady, I'm gonna flip it, yo".

Hammer raises Hamarrstund, V-Ice turns into a being of living ice and together they face off against the agent and Sargent Hall.
"What happens next grampa?" one of the children said sitting in front of the old man.

Many children sat on the carpet in the living room as an elderly man sat in front of them in his rocking chair.

"Well," he said looking down to his book he was reading to them. "The agent and the black bald-headed man battled the mighty hammer man and the vanilla ice fella for a little over an hour."

The children sat attentively as the elder man continued to read. But then he stopped abruptly.

"Ah!" The old man said clutching his heart.

And just like that, the man died from a heart attack. The story was over.


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