FACT! I sold Earthbound for one dollar at a garage sale..

...when I was ten, because my dad said I'd never get any money off it....

The story is, we where moving cross country and didn't want to move all our shit. So he made me sell them in his garage, or he said he'd throw it away

KEEP IN MIND this was way before ebay was known (1997... I think), and every game store I went to refused to accept it (Thanks alot funco.)

Should I go make my dad buy me a copy from ebay for hundred dollars, or cut myself for not smuggling it under my ass in the first place....

I also sold my atari jaguar, Mario RPG, Virtual Boy, and a lot of rare comics....

BTW, roms just don't have the same feel

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
what do you mean you couldn't sell it to funcoland. surely they would of at least gave you a few pennies for it?

I got EB in one of those big boxes when it came out for XMAS..

your best bet.. maybe go around to other peoples' garage sales.. and see if anyone else will sell it for $1 :P. Maybe even $5.
i would never get rid of my earthbound cart. i put so many hours into that game. i got everyone maxed out at lv. 99. it has a great plot, the only problem was the battle system was to simplified. oh yeah, don't bother playing earthbound zero for the nes. it's like a really stripped down version of the snes earthbound, but not really even that close.
But it's part of the serrries :(

I loved it because it used some of the same songs and stuff ^_^
the only thing i can say is that ur dad is a feakin dumba** if i were u, i wud just pound him into the ground, steal his money and go buy it off of ebay with his money
You could try a Salvation Army or a Goodwill, theres a lot of shit people dump at those places without realizing how cool it is.

They don't have video games at the one near me, but I had to guy buy casettes recently, and they have a pretty sweet vinyl collection that they are pretty much giving away.
Wow I made this topic a year ago and it's still here. Well I've bought both of them back, along with my other game collection since then. I'm also twenty now and in college, so I guess someone can mature within a year.
I feel bad for you though that you let such a good game go away...

No worries, I bet it will be on the Wii Virtual Console soon.
Damn man, that sucks. I've seen copies of earthbound go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars :\

Only reason I still have my pokeyman and magic cards locked away.
Reid said:
Damn man, that sucks. I've seen copies of earthbound go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars :\

Only reason I still have my pokeyman and magic cards locked away.
Same, I'm keeping my Pokemon cards so I can sell them for alot of money when I'm older.

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