The Evolution of Gaming
Gaming has truly evolved. From games like Pong to Gears of War. Mario to Jak 3. Doom(original) to resistance:fall of man. Gaming has become a part of many people's used to take maybe a few months to make, nowadays its takes atleast a year to make a decent game. The consoles today dont need to be blown into because of dust (aww..the old memories).
The graphics have evolved soo much
Like I said, from pong to gears of war..u7 can clearly see the different. NOTE: the games viewed above are NOT in any perticulare order. it is NOT by year made or released.
The controllers have evolved. They used to be very bulky and not very responsive.Now most of them are even wireless..something the atari could have NEVER pulled
Those were some examples of early controllers. The same goes for the evolution of game techonologie. From cartidges to Cds, to smaller cds (gamecube) to blueray. many of these formats failed miserably, like the UMDS, which was not only used for PSP games, but for movies that could be viewed on a PSP.
Evolution has and always will benefit us. Gaming is now immense and very intense. We can now go online and play with millions of people online. think bout it..atara live? lmao..yeah right...
just post your thoughts on the futre of gaming, the older controllers, the size of the consoles, your old memories..anything[/size]
Gaming has truly evolved. From games like Pong to Gears of War. Mario to Jak 3. Doom(original) to resistance:fall of man. Gaming has become a part of many people's used to take maybe a few months to make, nowadays its takes atleast a year to make a decent game. The consoles today dont need to be blown into because of dust (aww..the old memories).
The graphics have evolved soo much
Like I said, from pong to gears of war..u7 can clearly see the different. NOTE: the games viewed above are NOT in any perticulare order. it is NOT by year made or released.
The controllers have evolved. They used to be very bulky and not very responsive.Now most of them are even wireless..something the atari could have NEVER pulled
Those were some examples of early controllers. The same goes for the evolution of game techonologie. From cartidges to Cds, to smaller cds (gamecube) to blueray. many of these formats failed miserably, like the UMDS, which was not only used for PSP games, but for movies that could be viewed on a PSP.
Evolution has and always will benefit us. Gaming is now immense and very intense. We can now go online and play with millions of people online. think bout it..atara live? lmao..yeah right...
just post your thoughts on the futre of gaming, the older controllers, the size of the consoles, your old memories..anything[/size]