Everybody Draw Mohammad Day 5/20/10

Draw Mohammad Day

  • Free Speech

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  • Offensive trouble making

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  • I hope I don't get killed for visiting this thread

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Rakon said:
It's disrespecting their religion. If someone pokes fun at the hypocrisies of it, that's fine (as is the case with any religion). However blatant disrespect is blatant disrespect.

Wes said:
UrbanMasque said:
I have an opinion, obviously, but I would like to know what the rest of the civilized world thinks.


Well, Its not disrespect - A fairy tale is a fairy tale and should be ridiculed as such. Especially when you use violence tied to an imaginary being, as a reason to cause physical damage to someone. Whether its eastern, middle eastern, or western. And the fact that you threaten me with death for pointing out the obvious flaws in your peaceful religion tells me that you are completely aware of how ridiculous your superstition is.

I hope no one gets hurt as a result of 5/20/10, and I'm sooo glad people are taking a stand against this bullying directed at freedom of speech. I'm soo saddened that the corporations with sooo much power in the media have caved on this topic. Especially Facebook closing down this group, but leaving up the group that is praying for Obama's death a million strong.

I wouldn't let christian fundamentalist do it, so Islamic fundamentalists get the same treatment.
You know I think the big problem is that there's a very big attitude towards religon in the Americas and the Western World (mainly Christianity) compared to Islam in the Middle East and parts of Asia. This might not be a fair statement, but I think that Muslims take their religon much more seriously then many Christians do. Heck, i'm Christian but do I go to Church or even pray or even observe lent? Er... no.

But I've yet to meet a single Muslim (ok one guy) whom has eaten pork, or will not go through fasting during Ramadan. Yes, their not all excactly holier then thou, but there is an understanding of their faith and I feel a bigger acknowledgement then that of those in the Western world, which is why they do get more touchy about people making fun of their religion.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Not just the media, the current administration. Man caused disasters? Really...

Holder anyone:


And here he goes!!!

Whats the point here eyebrows? He doesn't want to confine people into boxes verbally so automatically he is a fundamentalist sympathizer? No i get it, him and Obama want to help implement Sharia law in the US and establish a western caliphate. No, basically If ANYONE should be careful with their words - it should be the attorney general. Are evangelicals - "Radical Christians?"

IMO the whole radical thing is bunk, because it implies that there is some REASONABLE part of religion, when its all pretty crazy.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Not just the media, the current administration. Man caused disasters? Really...

Holder anyone:


And here he goes!!!

Whats the point here eyebrows? He doesn't want to confine people into boxes verbally so automatically he is a fundamentalist sympathizer? No i get it, him and Obama want to help implement Sharia law in the US and establish a western caliphate. No, basically If ANYONE should be careful with their words - it should be the attorney general. Are evangelicals - "Radical Christians?"

IMO the whole radical thing is bunk, because it implies that there is some REASONABLE part of religion, when its all pretty crazy.

Are evangelicals radical Christians? yes, but they haven't blow'd something up recently. My point is that, in world were we accept religion and tolerate it (unlike you) there are fringes that cause problems. Radical Islam right now is the leader of that problem causing; but as soon as some other fringe group, be it radical Christians, Buddahists, etc. just call them what they are. They're fucking nuts!

As I've said before in another thread, I think Islam is an awesome religion; I work with many, many Bosnian Muslims that are quite awesome (and some eat pork and have a "sense of humor"), but when the nutters get all the attention, you have to call them what they are. Are they Islamic? Yes. Do they want to kill people in the name of Allah? Seems like it. That is Radical Islam, the fact that the Obama administration wants to look at a horse and call it a cat doesn't change what it really is. Holder is a failure. Be a bit more apolitical and stop cheerleading; if it was a republican administration refusing to call it what it is you'd agree with my statement.

"He doesn't want to confine people into boxes verbally so automatically he is a fundamentalist sympathizer?"

Right right, okay okay, the Nazis can't be called nazis! That confines them into a a box verbally, gotcha, it's unfair to treat evil people badly, right, okay, sunshine and bubbles, sunshine and bubbles! So, back in WW2 these... Enthusiastic socialists with views of Racial purity, not that radical purity is bad! Oh no no, condemned and...pacified 6 million peoples of some form of religion we can't mention because we don't want to put them in a box verbally as a group.

FDR would spin in his grave.
Actaully about the Evangelicist, i read a report in the International Tribune about 5 months ago about how they've been going around Africa, and Uganda in particular where now its a death sentence if one finds out your a homosexual.

Its pretty messed up considering these guys think their 'helping'. It also reported of this lesbian girl who was 'cured' raped by a fellow farmer who had aids. She's now pregenant also and is HIV positive.

Its such a sad story and I think its even more disgusting to read and hear about then a bomb. I mean, yeah, a bombing or whatever form of murder in anyway is wrong, but this was just sick in the mind.

But getting back to the topic at hand, i still disagree on such a thing. Again, our perception of Islam is vastly different to those that actually practice it, and yes, its a vice versa thing towards a Muslim to Christian. Its probably like how i can call a fellow Asian chink and no one would care (although ive never heard anyone use that word) but if a caucasian said that to an Asian, it'll be OMFG RACIST.
^Africa is a basket case all on its own. The world community has poured billions into it for 50 some odd years and it has gotten no better; we've been feeding them, but never have taught them how to fish. Real shame. Bono needs to make money somehow though, cause his music won't cut it alone. :cry:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Are evangelicals radical Christians? yes, but they haven't blow'd something up recently. My point is that, in world were we accept religion and tolerate it (unlike you) there are fringes that cause problems.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
As I've said before in another thread, I think Islam is an awesome religion;
..wait for it..
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Do they want to kill people in the name of Allah? Seems like it.
*sigh*... So much wrong with this entire statement, but I'm going to respond directly to the comment that I'm intolerant. I tolerate everyone and everything, until you try to enforce your beliefs on me via fear or threat of physical violence. Glad I cleared that up for you? Great, next..

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Holder is a failure.
- you have anything to back that up? Other than ensuring due process for foreigners and citizens alike, advocating for more transparency in government activity, and calling the AZ legislation racially charged and unconstitutional.. yea, that guy's a dumbass - I guess the test in your eyes will be if he decides to force BP into paying for their negligence or gives them a slap on the wrist (which you would probably prefer).

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
"He doesn't want to confine people into boxes verbally so automatically he is a fundamentalist sympathizer?"

Right right, okay okay, the Nazis can't be called nazis! That confines them into a a box verbally, gotcha, it's unfair to treat evil people badly, right, okay, sunshine and bubbles, sunshine and bubbles! So, back in WW2 these... Enthusiastic socialists with views of Racial purity, not that radical purity is bad! Oh no no, condemned and...pacified 6 million peoples of some form of religion we can't mention because we don't want to put them in a box verbally as a group.
Nazi's, Socialists, Islam, Sunshines, and Bubbles?!?! WTF?!
Fine I'll play this game.

...Ok, In Nazi GERMANY - you had a central hub, a base of operations for the national socialist party to operate out of, Otherwise known as a NATION STATE. Now, there is no Central Evil for "Radical Islam" - there is no base of operations, and it is not as cut and dry as it used to be. You can't single out and profile people or a country like Iran or Iraq, or Afghanistan because even in these areas there are people with dissenting opinion and "Muslims that eat pork and have a sense of humor" as you put it.

Why can't we do this, because we are fighting an IDEOLOGY, and that is where the problem lies - it steamrolls if you try to compare radical Islam versus moderate/modern Islam and isolate (or profile) people. Then, in essence, you do what America did to its Japanese American citizens during WWII and anger an entire generation of citizens. If your going to consider a group of religious zealots crazy you have to consider them all crazy and dangerous, because grouping them in fringe clusters and labeling them patronizes the remaining members. Like what Mr. Holder did in that interview. He said there are a variety of reasons why people do these things, and if you isolate it to ONLY religious based fanaticism and label it as such you create anger that spills over into the "moderate" side of islam.

For example, a larger population of african americans are in prison than any other race group. you can make the narrowed claim that african americans are more likely to commit crime (which you might believe), but to say that race is the ONLY factor that plays into their criminality is FALSE!

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
FDR would spin in his grave.

Look dude, I think we're on the same side of this battle but on different fronts. You want to identify the threat and eliminate it - I want to attack the thought process/situations that brings people to do unreasonable things - but when you go off on these tangents about Holder and sunshine you sound like a FoxNews rubberstamp.**BUZZWORD!**
piracer said:
Actaully about the Evangelicist, i read a report in the International Tribune about 5 months ago about how they've been going around Africa, and Uganda in particular where now its a death sentence if one finds out your a homosexual.

Dude I saw that on Vanguard. F**king Disgusting. and they don't care about the fallout they create - they just go to exploit the population with their "seminars" on Christianity - and then they go and create such a humanity crisis - and leave with full pockets.. I wonder how these people can sleep at night.

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