Everybody Draw Mohammad Day 5/20/10

Draw Mohammad Day

  • Free Speech

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  • Offensive trouble making

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  • I hope I don't get killed for visiting this thread

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  • Total voters
No way man... I'm too scared.

I will at least admit that there are some F***ing! funny pictures in that facebook group.
[btw Facebook took down the original group that was 100K STRONG, but left up the anti demonstration groups online.]
What would be the point of drawing Mohammad? We would just be being total assholes to Islam if we did so. It's like messing with sasquatch.
Sure it is free speech.

However, it's also free speech to go up to a random Jewish person and yell, "YOU FUCKING GREEDY KIKE BASTARD I WISH THE NAZIS KILLED ALL OF YOU MONEY-HUNGRY SUBHUMANS!" And it would be about as offensive as drawing the Prophet Mohammad.
There is obviously a difference between humor and hate... why can't anybody see this? I can watch a movie or show that pokes fun at a race/religion/culture and understand that it is a joke and laugh. I can also watch the news and see a real story on a hate crime and feel bad.

I know that there are a lot of jokes done in bad taste, especially on shows like South Park and Family Guy. And I don't really agree with airing some of the truly awful stuff they show. Call me crazy, but I think a joke's purpose is to make you laugh, not be as shocking and disturbing as possible and make you scream "ewww, WTF man? Not cool..."

That being said, I don't see a problem in making fun of the Muslim faith. The truth is that there are many people in the Middle East that would want me dead simply because I'm white. And I can feel comfortable saying that because I even have Muslim friends who agree with me. Osama Bin Laden, The Taliban; It's those people that we should be making fun of, not people like my Muslim friends. We really don't need to get on a PC high horse and protest against making fun of a society/culture (not religion) that wants us dead.

So why would I say I don't have a problem in making fun of Muslim faith? The issue of Mohammed is a touchy subject because now you are not attacking a culture, you are attacking an entire religion. But the fact of the matter is that Terrorists are using the Muslim faith to justify their actions. They believe that they'll be greeted in heaven by 40 virgins or whatever and they'll be rewards for killing us! So what better way to piss off these idiots then to poke fun at the person they claim to have died for.

Look, I'm Christian, my family is Christian, I believe in God and that's my faith. But I don't agree with the nuts who think I'm going to hell for living my life more "liberal" than they would want me to. If poking fun at Jesus is going to drive those Christian enthusiasts nuts then I say go for it. I don't look at jokes about Jesus as an attack against me, I look at it as a joke towards people who take their religion too far, the people that scam others into thinking they "have the power to heal", the priests who have abused their power to sexually molest kids, etc. Terrorists have done the same thing. The difference is they're more extreme in the sense they want Chrsitians and Jews to die.

I think Muslims need to be more understanding on this issue and realise that a joke made about Mohammed in jest, is not a vicious insult about an entire religion.
I will respect how the Islam followers do not wish to have Mohammad drawn.
The whole thin just seems pretty arrogant in my opinion.
I thought about drawing a stick figure with a headscarf and stubble saying "My name is Muhammod and I want peace and prosperity for all mankind." and then surround that with actual quotes from the Quran that speak of peace.

I don't think that's offensive.
I get that South Park was trying to make a statement how there's a frightning double standard if we can make fun of everyone, but not those who threat us with violence. They weren't stating that Muslims should just accept Muhammed being drawn.

And I thought that they were being pretty understanding, censoring the actual picture that their religion wishes not to be drawn. Wasn't the original censored bar by the creators? Maybe it still was offensive but I get they were trying to make their statement on the edge of being blasphemous.

Actually I thought the *beeeps* were also by Matt and Trey and only were told they weren't afterwards. Still I got the message what I think Jesus and Santa were saying. That giving the power to those that are most eager to use it isn't a healthy message.

I thought South Park's statement was appropriate. I don't think most groups in facebook is appropriate. It's free speech but that doesn't mean I support them.
bomby139143 said:
What would be the point of drawing Mohammad? We would just be being total assholes to Islam if we did so. It's like messing with sasquatch.

So then what is the point in making fun of Jesus? Doing so is also being an asshole to Christians who believe in him and worship him. Just because Christians believe in forgiveness it's okay to attack them? And Musilms threaten us so we get all terrified and do what they say?

Screw that, this isn't the Middle East, it's North America. The US and Canada were founded on immigration so we're all equal here. If the Middle East wanna piss and moan about it then go ahead, just know they can't take away our freedom.
Yo, muhammad - imma let you finish dog, but Jesus is one of the best prophets of ALL TIME.

What do I think of Mohammad? I think he's a great guy. I kept his buisness card because I can rely on him to take me where I need to be ASAP.


I don't understand what the hub-bub is about but regardless, here's to six years of quailty customer service!

It's disrespecting their religion. If someone pokes fun at the hypocrisies of it, that's fine (as is the case with any religion). However blatant disrespect is blatant disrespect.
Didn't read the rest of the thread, too long at this point.

Honestly, Showing a picture of Muhammad shouldn't be offensive, but it is. I say that if something is represented in society often enough then its offensiveness may subside. I'm not saying wear swastika's whenever you want, I'm not saying burning enough flags will ever make it less offensive, but at the end of the day this is a picture of a dude whose followers hate Jews even though if it weren't for the Jewish faith who knows if Christianity would have sprung up, let alone any other monotheistic religions.
Rakon said:

It's disrespecting their religion. If someone pokes fun at the hypocrisies of it, that's fine (as is the case with any religion). However blatant disrespect is blatant disrespect.

Isn't that guy a Sikh? I'm not up on turban styles, but that looks more like an Indian Sikh.

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