Now this I can help with. Codblops II will be a tough first CoD, I imagine.
Is Nuketown really the only thing that comes with the $59.99 version? If so, screw that. There's a nearly identical map in the core game. There's no zombies there, but there is a very unusual easter egg, which I've never seen anyone get, that rewards you with the chance to play some classic Activision games. Still not worth it, if you ask me, especially since you haven't played the first Codblops.
Since you have no experience with the game, and don't know if you're going to like it all that much yet, don't bother with the season pass. Unless, of course, you just want to spend money. It'll get you all the current and future DLC packs for a lower price upfront. "Season pass" is actually a misused term in this case, since there's no season anything associated with it. Just think of it as a golden ticket that'll get you (probably) everything that releases for the game in the future. Good for dedicated, long-time players, but not for you.
I consider Codblops II to be a lot less fun than previous games, but since it's your first, you might think differently. I still prefer MW3 at this time, although it's plain to see everyone switching over to the new game, whether they like it or not.
I'm not very good at this game, but I trust you'll figure it out by yourself. If you play it on PS3, we can party hard. Otherwise, just ask me anything you need to.