Best Game Trailers (all eras, genres, consoles)

Ha ha, I was going to make a thread just like this.

For me, the most excited I've ever been for a game because of a trailer, was Resident Evil 4 for the Game Cube. I first saw the trailer when I was sixteen years old in 2004, and I got my copy of the game on launch day in 2005.

Here's the trailer -
Viewtiful Joe 2

I remember checking out this TGS trailer for Viewtiful Joe 2! I was so damn excited for it after watching. It was one of those trailers where you forget to breathe during. After loving the first, and watching this, I was sold. I loved the music, the addition of Silvia, the visuals! (and the return of Alastor) FUCK YEAH!


The concept of DMC being rehashed didn't piss me off one bit. I liked the concept. This trailer was revealed and I fell in love with the game before I had it. That song "Sent To Destroy" was the perfect song whilst fighting demons in a psychedelic nightclub (again, music sold the game for me). And with the stylish DT state, this trailer really made me want this game pretty damn hard.

PS - that nightclub level is my favourite in the whole game!
Most trailers are awesome just for the nostalgia. Although I suppose they weren't trailers, they were TV commercials. I still remember the goosebumps I got when I saw GoldenEye. 4 people can play at the same time????? Are you flipping kidding me?????

As for something more post 1999, Dead Island was example of how a crappy game can fool us all
Love ME3's launch trailer.

Regarding Twilight Princess, absolutely agree. That would probably be the next most exciting trailer for me, right before Resident Evil 4.

I'm pretty sure this is the trailer I remember seeing on TV. I could have sworn it had a narrator, but I do remember the grim and compelling tone. I wonder what the music is from, I don't recall it being used anywhere in the game. One of my most fond memories was walking out of Blockbuster with three VHS sized cases and infuriating my dad who thought I rented three separate games. :lol:

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