Analog Sticks. Where should they go? inb4 "up your ***&

Which has the best stick placement?

  • Xbox 360

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  • Wii U

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  • PS3

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Which of these is best and why?


Xbox 360

Wii U

I greatly prefer the 360 controller to the DualShock, but I'm not sure it's fully due to the stick placement. The WiiU looks to be the most awkward of the three, but I haven't actually tried it.
Xbox controller.

The things you use the most and are most important go in the top over the bottom. Your movement stick. and you action buttons. Plus xbox controller fits big hands a lot better.
I like the Sony controller. After using the same controller 3 times for 3 is THE controller. My one gripe would be to add a little bit more to the back side of it.
used44 said:
I greatly prefer the 360 controller-


Bretimus_v2 said:
I like the Sony controller-


Seriously though I agree with Brett. After PS1, PS2 and now PS3 the Sony controller has been burned into my brain. Although I admit I like the 360 controller a lot. But everytime someone tells me to hit X I hit A :(
Having used a WiiU the other day and owning a 360/PS3, the verdict is still the same. The 360 simply has the best controller i've ever used. The gamecube controller was awesome, but is too small now that i have big hairy manly hands.

The WiiU pro controller is weird, because it's much more natural to flick your thumb up and to the side off the stick to hit the face buttons, than it is to push your thumb down and across. Try it now without holding anything and you'll be able to feel what i'm talking about - switching from aiming to the face buttons on the 360 feels sorta like a thumbs up, natural and quick, while doing it in reverse - while not bad - isn't as smooth.
The 360 one also has the face buttons on the right angle for that movement and have a perfect texture for it.

The best way to see how the WiiU pro is wrong is to imagine trying to hit 'A' quickly after using the stick. See the problem? Now with a 360 controller, look at the closest buttons to the stick and it's easy to hit them fast.

The dualshock controller is just not as good overall. It has the benefit of the 'flick-up' thumb thing, but it's not as ergonomic and while the pressure sensitive buttons sound good in theory, playing a game that relies on them is an effort in frustration, while the triggers are completely shit.
I prefer the dualshock for fighting games and RPGs, though, with the better d-pad and big face buttons.

All of the those controllers, however, are superior to the standard WiiU screen gamepad, which is shit in so many different ways it's incredible.
We're just talking analog positioning, right? Xbox 360's. I do enjoy the unnecessary abilities the DUALSHOCK 3 offers like shaking the hell out of your controller or simply tilting it.
360 fits better but I've had issues with the whole "press X" situation Wicked mentioned... Solved it by naming colors instead.

Also I do miss the feel of a dualshock in muh paws.
Is there a way to make the 360 controller even better?

Obviously the D-pad needs to be fixed. Do you think Nintendo could get away with similar stick placement on their pro controller since they're the originators of control pads in the first place?
danielrbischoff said:
Is there a way to make the 360 controller even better?
Put a good d-pad on it, give the triggers better feel, built in battery and slightly bigger sticks.

Chances are that'll happen for the durango/720.

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