Ace Combat 7

It's really not something to complain about. I doubt your opinion with no evidence of you trying out the VR
I honestly don't think the VR fad will ever catch on like everyone is anticipating. The technology is just not compelling enough; it still seems very gimmicky. I've yet to see a VR demonstration and think, "I must have this." And just imagine the strain on your head and eyes after using a VR device for hours on end.
VR is alright, but playstation VR does not sound good. It's going to have a 'little' processor box that is essentially going to be another PS4 sitting there. This, combined with the display and almost certain 60FPS (rather than 120 like you really need for VR) means i'm very willing to say it'll be a massive flop without having used it.
It's going to be expensive and sub-par so nobody will buy it, because nobody is buying it nobody will develop for it.

Meanwhile, on PC, steam just added official support for oculus and AMD are focusing heavily on it. By the time the last dregs of the PS VR are being thrown in a landfill, the first commercial 4K@120FPS head+eye tracking VR headset that weighs next to nothing will be released and actually make some sense.

Now all we can hope is that once the PS VR sells a total of 4 on its release day, ace combat 7 will be ported over to PS4/Xbone/PC and actually be a good game.
The Unsung War is still my favorite PS2 game and i know for a fact that when they put their minds to it they can do better than 6 and that fucking trash assault horizon

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