Recent content by Tim_Tackett

  1. Tim_Tackett

    FAQ Difficulties

    There's a mysterious dimension all the FAQs seem to go when edited by their authors, and I bet that's where it is. I thought I had approved you as a FAQ writer, but then again, I don't even know if that system is working. I'll approve that one myself, and hopefully we can move that up the...
  2. Tim_Tackett

    Burning Crusade and it's B-.

    That'd be great, maybe I'd be useful in PvP. Kidding. Sort of. :wink:
  3. Tim_Tackett

    tony hawk project 8 was not as good as it looked am i right?

    I'll put it this way. Project 8 was better when it was Pro Skater 2. You can't make the same essential game every year for 8 years and expect the same kind of mind-blowing impact. Sadly, that seems to be the state of the industry nowadays. /shrug
  4. Tim_Tackett

    Hardest Boss

    It's not that classic, but the original Armored Core had a ton of 1 on 1 arenas to slug through, and the last bot in the final arena was the best fight I've ever had in a game. Seriously, that zippy little bastard had me for almost two weeks until I beat him at his own game. Five-barrel...
  5. Tim_Tackett

    Virtual Console and XBLA reviews

    I've thought about writing up something about the Virtual Console and PSOne games on PSP via the PS3, and Xbox Live Arcade wouldn't be a bad thing to include. I doubt it'll be a review proper, more of a manifesto thing. There's just something strange about buying new hardware to play ancient...
  6. Tim_Tackett

    GR Rating Explanation

    Actually, it's at the bottom of every single page on the site. Click on 'Grading System' for the rundown. Don't think that will stop the Zelda fans for a second though.
  7. Tim_Tackett

    any1 won a box of games & couldn't play them cuz game to

    I think I know what he's after. I handle the cheat submissions, I can draw meaning out of things that would make your eyes burst. XP and Vista won't support DOS-based games (many 3.11 games fall into this trap as well). Methinks someone got a box of games and can't run them. The easiest...
  8. Tim_Tackett do you guys feel about the Wii and its future?

    Personally, I enjoy the mechanics of the Wii controller a lot. I'm excited to see how it gets implemented. I say that because of all the Wii games I've seen (except Twilight Princess) just aren't pushing that much content. Every bit of gameplay I've experienced has been really fun, but the...
  9. Tim_Tackett


    You can get either, but they always offer you a few bucks more in credit.
  10. Tim_Tackett

    Possibility of an upcoming/currently reviewing feature?

    I think this is a swell idea, I'll try to keep up my 'Playing Now' list as well. Currently playing: Phantasy Star Universe (360), Excite Truck (Wii).
  11. Tim_Tackett

    Neverwinter Nights 2 Review error.

    Oh, so I guess me telling you about it means NOTHING, Joe? *heart breaks*
  12. Tim_Tackett

    EA going a step too far?

    Well, I had to use the EA downloader to get our review copy, and anytime I ran BF2142 the downloader opened and ran a mysteriously blank window in the background. I'm not sure if it was for 'authentication' purposes or to harvest that precious personal info. Maybe someone who got the...
  13. Tim_Tackett

    Best Game ever. Any system, any year, any game.

    Nothing beats a good round of Missle Command with the arcade trackball. Otherwise, I'd pick Balloon Fight.
  14. Tim_Tackett

    Suggestion (I think old time posters would apreciate this)

    This one knows too much.
  15. Tim_Tackett

    Bob Ross video game

    I hope that I can one day be posthumously immortalized in gaming for my insanity as well.