Zombies infecting Liberty City!!

The real way you're supposed to get the zombie skin is by killing a Rockstar developer online in it. And if you have the 360 version, it's an achievement that gets you alot of points. I've seen a video of someone who got it.
I did it the other night (gamertag: mac2kx if you want to look) and it's only worth 10 points. Hell I beat a GHIII developer in a multiplayer on that game and got more.

maca2kx said:
I did it the other night (gamertag: mac2kx if you want to look) and it's only worth 10 points. Hell I beat a GHIII developer in a multiplayer on that game and got more.

It's not really a developer. It's the type of achievement I like to call "Herpes Syndrome". the developers get it, when they die the people who killed them get it, and when the people who killed them dies, the next person gets it. Eventually the biggest noob gets it, then it's really easy to get.
crazycracker22 said:
Eventually the biggest noob gets it, then it's really easy to get.

That's how I got mine!

I didn't know it was viral at the beginning though so I felt all bad like I just beeat a GH3 dev. Then thought of how shitty they were to lose to me, Then found out anyone can get it pretty much :*(.

But I'm sure you're better than I am at it Maca!
Weird, I've been playing GTA4 online almost religiously and still haven't come face to face with a R* dev.
I actually went online for the first time in weeks last night and the first kill I got was a R* dev haha. I got the achievment and was like WTF :p
Element_CKy said:
I actually went online for the first time in weeks last night and the first kill I got was a R* dev haha. I got the achievment and was like WTF :p

Ok two things. One, the achievement's viral now so basically kill anyone and you get it. I guess the developers have other things on their mind at the moment, like getting the DLC chapters finished. Two, when the hell did you get back man? Welcome back! :D
StalfrosCC said:

"A lot" is two words.

Just had to throw that out there.

Thanks for your helpful post regarding the topic.
Now I just wait for your witty response at how I am a retarded 12 year old, and no matter how hypocritical your post may be, I always will be.

And if I wanted a lesson on grammar I would actually pay attention in Language arts ALOT more fucking often.

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