Your favorite game of all time?


So this has probably been done a million times but I'm new and want to get to know some of the other poster's tastes here! I'm wondering--what's your favorite game of all time and why do you love it?

My favorite game of all time is Rez. Yeah, Rez. I guess if I had to be snooty I'd say Rez HD since it's the same thing but in HD. I stumbled across it in middle school when my best friend and I were trying our hands at pirating pretty much any Sega Dreamcast game we could (don't worry, we would later purchase the PS2 version at full retail price). It was at just the right time when we were starting to get really into music so the timing couldn't have been more perfect. It's a simple game, but endlessly replayable. The music is great and the game's interaction with the sound couldn't be more perfect. It's the kind of game you can play for 15 minute or for hours. Few games from over 10 years ago still feel fresh, but Rez has stuck with me though every console since the Dreamcast.
That's a seriously tough question, VinylFuzz... no idea how to answer that.

I could do a "top ten favourite games" thing and I might be able to pull it out that way, but since it's just our all time favourite game, hm...

As a "stand alone" game, I'm going to say The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii.

However... technically my favourite game is Mass Effect 3 - but that's only if you include previous play through's of Mass Effect 1 and 2, including all DLC for all games. I know that sounds really dumb, but yeah.

By itself? Twilight Princess.
Mine is Zelda: Wind Waker.

It's my favourite because of all the "adventure" the game pummelled into me. That's probably the only game where I've gotten every collectable, and even got every treasure chest on every island - seriously scanned the crap out of the whole game. I even made it a mission to get all the lookout towers on the map.

I've played through it about 10 times and it does not get old.
I once had a race with my friend when I was about 17 or so. We played for about 3 days straight and it was just incredible fun. Good game, good memories.
Diablo 2

Actually I take that back... Longest most enjoyable gaming experience of all time that even beats Diablo 2, was definitely World of Warcraft, Vanilla to WoTLK.
I want to say Ocarina of Time. And it probably is, but the game I enjoy playing most right now (and maybe ever) is League of Legends. I love the format, it's just so freaking fun. There's so many champions that you'll never play the same game twice, and you can play it for hours without using the same character or strategy twice. Great stuff.
My favorite game of all time would have to be Super Mario Bros. 3 mainly because I have so many fond memories of that game and I also rocked at it as a kid, still do to this day. :D
As cliche as it sounds, Ocarina of Time might hold that record for me for many reasons.

1) It was my first Zelda game
2) It was the first game I played with an epic story (played OOT before all the legendary PS1 titles)
3) The first 3D game I played that felt like an open world.
4) The combat system.
5) All the characters. Even some of those NPC's you find in a town had something worth reading.

Etc etc.

A very close second is Metal Gear Solid. With the Sega CD and other CD consoles before the PS1, there was a big emphasis on turning your gaming experience into an interactive movie. I loved this idea but unfortunately it failed to deliver and a lot of consoles flopped because either the technology wasn't there yet or the story it was trying to tell was just awful. But MGS did it right, turning a game into an intriguing movie without feeling like a gimmick or fad. It still gives me goosebumps when I remember the twist where Miller was Liquid in disguise .

And if MGS also sounds too cliche then I'll go with Silent Hill 2. I'm a huge fan of the first Silent Hill game, I felt like that was the moment video games were growing up. Sure survival horror was common during the late 90's. The Resident Evil games sure did have a lot of great jump scares, but Silent Hill was just unnerving with it's atmosphere, story and characters. Unfortunately though the game hasn't aged well and is from an era where voice acting was new and therefore most of it was terrible and controls were craptacular. Silent Hill 2 however took the themes from the first game and crafted a completely new story that was better than the first game. I don't think a horror game has ever come close to the story told in Silent Hill 2.
I have a tie for my favorite.

Which to me is the grandfather of the modern MMO



I dust off the Wii to still play this.
Bremaine said:
My favorite game of all time would have to be Super Mario Bros. 3 mainly because I have so many fond memories of that game and I also rocked at it as a kid, still do to this day. :D

I also would say Super Mario Bros because I started playing it since I was a kid and I really enjoyed playing it.
Ocarina of time is still my favorite game, and that likely will never change.

A lot of games recently have been good though that I have enjoyed. Dragons Crown, Mass Effect, State of Decay, new Pokemons, etc. Good second choices of course, but I guess you never forget your first love in a way.
Diablo 2

Ocarina Of Time
Mario 64
Uncharted 2

Honourable mentions

Edit: wow see i already posted in this topic, and at that time decided WoW > D2.

changed my mind today though.

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