Your dream game, or gaming ideas

Either the most perfect gundam game ever imaginable or what Necrowolf said. I literally typed the idea and checked if anyone put something similar and Necrowolf's idea was too similar and figured not to put it.

Or how about a Starcraft 3rd person shooter or rpg? Something where we play the characters
I want a multiplayer where my interaction with other players is more than seeing who is better at using their controller or keyboard, that is more than just shooting them before they shoot you.
I'd like to see the .Hack//Sign anime become a real game, I read something about them making it but it died for some reason I forgot... Seemed like an amazing idea.

I found Animal Crossing very addicting... Just as Harvest Moon games had me attached to whatever screen they happen to be playing on... While they're not exactly action type games, I can come back to it quite a bit and still get some kind of joy from it... Animal Crossing seasons and events changing along with real time, and real days of the week, was really a nice feel... If there could be a remake or something of that type of game, maybe even a bit of the Sims style customizations with houses... Less cartoonie look might be nice... Harvest Moon's relationships were real nice and slow paced, gave me alot to look forward to... I don't know xD I'm horrible at explaining this, just making a block of text, but I'm sure the idea is across...

The .Hack//Sign game though would be amazing, virtual reality and everything included. This is more of a random rant... >_>

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