Your artistic endeavours

Post them!
I don't care what it is. Poems, essays, short stories, music, visual art (paintings, drawings, artsy photography), ceramics, films, dance, dramatic monologues, anything!
Ever have a band? Myspace me up.
Ever write a cute Mother's Day poem when you were younger? Share!
Ever attempted anything, but never got around to finishing it? Share the idea and the experience.

Even if you plan to post in this topic just to say that it sucks or you're bad/never attempted anything in art, at least do so in a lovely sonnet or haiku! 8)
Don't be shy!

However, I will abstain from posting anything now in avoidance of being perceived as an opportunistic prick who only cares about putting my own stuff out there to be praised by others. I'm truly interested in whatever you all do. Really, I am. Besides, I'm not so proud of anything I do.

So...get to it!
I have a story that I want to get published in a children's book format but it's for adults about a homeless man named Bob. He believes that pigeons are god, and that seagulls are the antichrist. It's too long to post in here, but if any of you want to read a work in progress then just PM me and I will PM it back to you.

Which brings me to my next point: Can anyone who posts here illustrate? I need illustrations for my story and I suck at drawing and all the computer aided graphic design stuff. PM me if you can draw too.
well here is a relatively nonsensical story i wrote in 7th grade i found the other day looking thorugh my documents. I think we had to write a short story using some vocab words we were learning, hence the underlines.

enjoy and dont try to make any sense of it, you might hurt your self

The Day Weirdo Died

Weirdo was ailing, but dog didn’t believe him. “You cad, conning me like this after being friends for so long, bah!â€
I freestyle around with my friends for fun, except for that the two songs we've recorded are extremely NSFW and offensive to asians/jamaicans. Plus they're not very good. If you want the myspace I'll put it up.
I dabble in the artistic...... er.. arts...

A little bit of everything, paintings, music, photography. Mostly for fun, I don't believe I could make a dime from it. (I'm not big on self-promotion)

Here's an old painting from a few years back... enjoy.

What do you have against Asians and Jamaicans, keepit? Hmmmm? 8)

kapow, that was funny! I love the things we write as kids. Ah, the days when things didn't have to make sense...Good times.
It reminds me of this illustrated story I wrote in 4th grade about a kid who didn't take a shower and how eventually the entire world (and the Sun) hated him because he smelled so bad. I think it rhymed too. Dr. Suess-style. *wink*
My 4th grade teacher loved it, so i wrote a couple more sequels, each getting more and more nonsensical and absurd.
Don't have them with me now, though...
The first one is still around somewhere.

Also, that painting rocks my socks. I'm not wearing any right now, but I can see a pair lying next to me, and they're quivering with excitement.
My type of thread...
I would post one of poems, but I can't pick which one I want to post. :?
I'm not much of artist, but when I get bored, I doodle. So post some of that.



And yes, I'm in algebra 2. What? 8)

That painting kills anything I'll ever doodle. lol.
How much for the painting?
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I love the things we write as kids.
^I've got some of those. They're in my garage somewhere. I had a whole little series.

Oh, and the songs just have me rapping in an Asian and Jamaican accent, and talking about each race in a term you could call demeaning.
Recently I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Visual Arts degree (I finally finished after three years). I will be returning to university next year to study multimedia (graphic arts and design). I'd like to think of myself as a digital painter, I enjoy it and while I feel I am not as "good" as other digital artists out there, others seem to appreciate my work. Recently I acquired a comissioning job with a group called TEAMhealth, so now I am doing artwork for them to put into a video slide show for them to present in front of local schools and whatnot, I will be getting paid for this of course. I will show you all some of my drawings.

All of these digital drawings were created in 2008 for university and are © to me. :p

My first art series (five total digital paintings) was created in the first semester of 2008, the theme was fallen/anti-heroes. The title was "No More Heroes".


This piece is titled "The First". Inspirations come from loads of pre-existing fictional characters e.g Vincent Valentine, Leon S. Kennedy, Link, Shiek, Auron, Shino, Batman, the list goes on.


"Guess Who's back?" is a piece involving a character design I really like. Imagine a hitman style guy with a giant smiley face for a head/helmet, who is completely silent and relentless at what he does? :p


"America", inspired by the Fallout franchise and the song "Amerika" by Rammstein. I wanted this piece to be powerful, to have an impact, hence the massive explosion and waving American flag.


"Sacrifice" is inspired by an idea for a story I have, an idea which I have currently dubbed as "XVII" (Seventeen).


The final piece, "Winter War - Victory or Loss" - this piece took me ages to complete, I just had no motivation for it. The character is supposed to be a female but, I'm terrible at drawing females as they always end up looking too masculine.

My next art piece (yet another five paintings) was created in the second semester of 2008. The theme was villains and villainy, with the overall title being "Darksider".


"Agent of Chaos", my favourite piece of the Darksider piece.


"Betrayal", also an idea I had for a story.


"Stop Smiling" is technically a 'sequel' to the "Guess Who's Back?" piece. Background photograph courtesy of stock photography.


"Showstopper", once again a practice drawing of females. I wanted this character to look beautiful but at the same time horrifying. As a friend of mine said when he looked at this piece, "She looks like the things nightmares are made from." - creepy I know, but I took it as a compliment.


"Face of Chaos" is a close up portrait of the "Agent of Chaos" picture. Honestly, this one is too simple, I don't really like it.

Those are my art pieces, I'm sorry for such a long post but I just had to show them. I hope you all like them. :)

I also want to get into webcomics - as many people online do. I have already made ten comics and they seem to be receiving positive response but... I don't really know where, or how to possibly start. Maybe I will post all the comics I have done sometime and get you guys to have a look at them. What do you think?

More of my artwork can be seen over at deviantART -
My god... :shock:

...That was too awesome for words. I loved them all, and the concept behind each one was well-executed. Smiley hitman was great!
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
My god... :shock:

...That was too awesome for words. I loved them all, and the concept behind each one was well-executed. Smiley hitman was great!

Thanks man! I really appreciate that, I'm glad you like them. :D
Those are really, really cool, Craig.

My friend actually deleted our myspace, but I just made a new one and I'll edit the link in here once the songs finish processing.
I'm writing a novel.

I won't post it here just yet, but maybe, when I'm finished, I'll post the opening part. Or a teaser. Or something.

As for haikus...

This topic is great
FTG values art stuff
Haikus by Blair suck.
Man, I'd give a fucking testical for great talent in painting/drawing. But my artistic skills lye in poetry and short stories(always been imaginative so it's not hard).
clockworks said:
Man, I'd give a f****** testical for great talent in painting/drawing. But my artistic skills lye in poetry and short stories(always been imaginative so it's not hard).

So why are you going to post anything, or what?
Appreciate the kind words regarding my artwork. :)

Like the original poster I'd love to see some art from the rest of you as well, or whatever creative things you have to offer, it'd be great.

Just a question.. would anyone mind if I posted up all ten of the comics I have made for my hopeful/attempted webcomic? Would that be cool? :p

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