You NEED to see this

UrbanMasque said:
For goodness sake, i thought this thread was about tits now! Tits i say! Grumble grumble... Stupid texans, always getting in the way of boobs...

Also, the united states IS a constitutional republic, a federal constitutional republic. At least that's what they told me in school, maybe someone changed the constitution, i don't know. Anyway, they got that part right, so why do they make it sound it's bad?

Now getting rid of Kennedy and Jefferson is an insult! Even more to acknowledge McCarthy!
Lien said:
UrbanMasque said:
For goodness sake, i thought this thread was about tits now! Tits i say! Grumble grumble... Stupid texans, always getting in the way of boobs...

Also, the united states IS a constitutional republic, a federal constitutional republic. At least that's what they told me in school, maybe someone changed the constitution, i don't know. Anyway, they got that part right, so why do they make it sound it's bad?

Now getting rid of Kennedy and Jefferson is an insult! Even more to acknowledge McCarthy!

"The United States of America (commonly referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district." Wikipedia, ho?

Huff post is not a reliable source. Ever.
In their defense, they did got that news from a liberal blog. Go figure.

Still though: "Around Texans, never relax!"
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Huff post is not a reliable source. Ever.

How's this for a source. ... texas.html

HuffPo just takes articles that are stories (that start local) they think everyone should know about and push them through (national). You might or might not hear about this story on the evening news or the big talking heads - but I THINK its a big deal.

Sometimes their headlines are misleading, but don't read the headlines - read the article.
And know when to separate a news piece from an opinion piece. This... is a news piece.
I read this a while ago in the New York Times. I think it's pretty sad. Hopefully the Obama Administration's plans for a national standard set at the federal level will make these kinds of decisions moot.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Huff post is not a reliable source. Ever.

How's this for a source. ... texas.html

HuffPo just takes articles that are stories (that start local) they think everyone should know about and push them through (national). You might or might not hear about this story on the evening news or the big talking heads - but I THINK its a big deal.

Sometimes their headlines are misleading, but don't read the headlines - read the article.
And know when to separate a news piece from an opinion piece. This... is a news piece.

nytimes isn't a reliable source either. Both hard-left leaning news outlets in the same way fox news and National Review are hard-right.

Let's let Texas be their own country again, may work out well for them.

Textbooks have always been a battleground, this time it's going too far to the right, sometimes to far to the left. It's what happens when politicians take over education rather than educators.

As a history major (not my first choice) with an eye on teaching, this event is appalling. Textbooks are always wrong regardless of the content, US history is always a big issue. Should we teach children that early white Americans, in the name of god, conquest, and civilization committed genocide on the Native Americans? Or should we give a more touchy-feely account, of peace and trade and thanksgiving? (Think of it another way; should German schools teach kids the full horrors of WW2, or not?)

It's a right old mess.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
nytimes isn't a reliable source either. Both hard-left leaning news outlets.

Im not going to lie... i stopped reading your post after this sentence. If NYTimes, as a standard for journalistic integrity, isn't enough - I wonder where you get your news from?
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
nytimes isn't a reliable source either. Both hard-left leaning news outlets.

Im not going to lie... i stopped reading your post after this sentence. If NYTimes, as a standard for journalistic integrity, isn't enough - I wonder where you get your news from?

The new york times, as you claim, is no longer a standard for journalistic integrity. It was about a decade ago, as they go more and more broke however, they get closer to the huff post then anything else.

Urban, you're a left leaning person, so the nytimes is a good source if you like the left, just as fox news is a good source if you lean right. But I flip through their paper just about everyday(free copies at school), and note what they are and aren't covering. As a journalist of sorts, their bias is pretty bad.

For example, there's been big news on climate science falling short, with scandals and outright lies published by IPCC, yet the new york times, deeply invested in Al Goreism fearmongering, did not report it until it no longer became news.

I go here: usually, and check out articles from a full spectrum of outlets.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Huff post is not a reliable source. Ever.

How's this for a source. ... texas.html

HuffPo just takes articles that are stories (that start local) they think everyone should know about and push them through (national). You might or might not hear about this story on the evening news or the big talking heads - but I THINK its a big deal.

Sometimes their headlines are misleading, but don't read the headlines - read the article.
And know when to separate a news piece from an opinion piece. This... is a news piece.

i thought you were officially done and this topic was now about breasts
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
, yet the new york times, deeply invested in Al Goreism fearmongering,
...This country is sooo screwed.
I don't consider myself left/right, I prefer to have common sense. I tend to vote for candidates in one party over the other b/c they views are more reasonable (IMO) than others. thats neither here nor there.

Anywayz -realclearpolitics ... never heard of it, but Its good to get news from a variety of sources (i looked at the site... hmmm very sketchy) but the link I posted is not biased. There is no opinion in there. The Texas curriculum has been altered. Fact. They plan to replace Thomas Jefferson's influences on the Constitution (1776) with the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas (1260ish). Fact.

Titties. Fact.
Two titties make a pair, or a pair of two.


Anyhow, tom jeff...well, if you did go back and read my post about history, he is not a saint. In the most modern textbooks, he is taught to be a great man. Is he? Example from original text: Tom jeff ordered his pregnant slaves to be better fed and worked less during their pregnancies. Nice guy...until you read on, and find out that it was because he was tipped off to a drop in tobacco prices, whilst slave babies were quite profitable.

Honestly, I wish history wasn't taught until the college/high school level. it's taught so wrong and offhandedly, it's scary.

Basically urban my point is that the new texas textbooks are going to be slightly worse then they already are.

Also also, I tend to be a center-right type of guy, but there's no ideology I agree with. The college Republicans rejected my did the democrats. :cry:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Anyhow, tom jeff...well, if you did go back and read my post about history, he is not a saint. In the most modern textbooks, he is taught to be a great man. Is he? Example from original text: Tom jeff ordered his pregnant slaves to be better fed and worked less during their pregnancies. Nice guy...until you read on, and find out that it was because he was tipped off to a drop in tobacco prices, whilst slave babies were quite profitable.

Regardless of how much he sold slaves for , he had more to do the founding of this nation than St. Thomas Aqu.

Thomas Jeff has touched more brown titties than I have. Fact.
Nicest breasts?

UrbanMasque said:
MAttay, *sigh*, no ones been listening.

-FCM- said:
I personally believe in both Creationism and Evolution. Don't tell me they can't co-exist, because they can. People need to stop thinking they can wrap these questions up in little boxes and horde them up in some isolated scholarly corner. Regardless of whatever logic we have come up with that supposedly makes theories diametrically opposed (which they aren't, even by our logic) it is still our logic and our logic is flawed, plain and simple.

LoL @ FCM.

Wow... So many things wrong with your post. I'm officially done.

btw - big brown nips aare the tops

I'm sorry, I see I may be stumbling into Daddy's philosophy cabinet. As I try to explain myself, let me know if I need to go back to bed. And for Christmas, I want whatever bountiful tome of knowledge it is that has given you the answer to everything.

I believe that a creator brought about the process of evolution, and that religious texts such as the Bible need to be loosely interpreted. What is so fucking difficult about that? I'm sorry I'm misusing your definition of Creationism and Evolution, but my arguments generally don't get their strength from pouncing on someone that wasn't even directly addressing me when they use one of my definitions in a way that differs from the way I memorized them. Get every professor and scientific journal to agree on definitions of Creationism and Evolution and then you can yell at me for being flexible in my beliefs.


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