You know what I hate?

Small dogs are only annoying because their owners spoil them since they're so cute and loveable. Train a dog to be obedient and it won't yap at everyone it sees.

My mom has a Lhasa Apso and she spoils the hell out of him. When I lived with my mom I was able to train him and give him belly rubs and treats when he deserved them. But once I left she just kept spoiling him with treats for doing nothing. Today he's like the helper monkey Mojo on The Simpsons. He's completely forgotten anything I've taught him, just begs for food all the time and barks his head off at anyone who walks in the door. All he's missing is the diaper. So sad.
I miss my Husky. Being a large dog, she was much less annoying than the small ones and she knew i was the boss.
Parents had trouble dealing with her, one of the best example was that she was an outside dog and everytime she stole into the house to tear it up my parents would have to try and herd her out. I'd simply walk downstairs and say 'out' and she'd run outside and sit by the door waiting for a pat.

She escaped from her leash once, and my parents were chasing her around the streets for like 15 minutes before i found out. Walked outside and up like 5 houses to her and walked up to her while she sat and i put her collar back on with no trouble at all.

Miss my dog so much. Can't stand small dogs after having a big loyal one, mainly because it's harder to intimidate the small dogs. You can't really harm them without actually hurting them, whereas with my husky when she did something wrong i wouldn't even have to hit her. I could grab her and force her to look at me until she dealt with it.
Best part was probably her face. She was cute and everything unless you pissed her off, at which point you would notice pale blue eyes and big teeth aimed AT YOUR BALLS. Seriously. She would go for the nuts, them being at her face height.
Had a friend decide to rough her up a little once, she refrained from biting and only lept full force into his balls.

So yeah. Big dogs > Small dogs.
Tiny dogs are annoying. Some small dogs can be cool. We had a cocker-spaniel mixed with poodle, or something, she was awesome.

But medium and up is where its at when it comes to dogs. We had a Labrador/German Sheperd mix. That big ol dumbass was the best friend you could ask for. Stupid enough to be funny, but extremely loyal and loving. He ran away once, for like three or four days. We were just sitting in the garage and he walks his ass in by himself, acting like nothing happened.

I'd like a brown Great Dane though, I'll name him Scooby, he can be part of my Halloween costume.

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