Worst meme ever

used44 said:
I don't think I've ever been to Reddit.
Think 4chan but everyone has their head up their own ass, and if you disagree with the majority opinion they can silence you. And they create a lot of content like this.
It's the type of site that's reeeeally into memes.
I'm aware what comes out of there, but I've never been, nor do I want to. Same with 4chan, though I do think I've tried visiting once and just couldn't understand how it was organized.

I visit very few websites for somebody who fucks around online all day.
Chris_Crime said:
Longo said:
Worst meme?

The answer, all of them.
Damn right. By large, the majority of the internet community has proven themselves to be incredibly uncreative.
I understand that it's safer to copy/paste something from one site to the next than to strike out on your own. It's always been this way, but now there is an acceptance towards this practice that was never there before.
When the material you find on your favorite website can be found on every other website, things have become too homogenized.

But I blame the children the most and their want to fit in. They happily if not dutifully propagate their lack of creativity across the internet like a retarded child shouting moistly every stupid sentence he manages to piece together. It's sickening.

That is just how most people work. When someone comes across a funny joke, they tell their friends. The problem with the internet is that communication is so easy to do that everyone is repeating the same joke. Now repetitive jokes can be fun when used in context, but there is always that one asshole who doesn't really get it and makes the joke all the time, taking all of the funny out of the joke. On the internet, the chances of you meeting that asshole are raised by like 5,000%.

You also can't really pick and choose the people you talk to as much as you can in real life over the internet. In real life there isn't the random asshole spouting random nonsense because 1)that makes anyone look completely retarded, and 2)people usually only talk to people that they like spending time with.

My point is, memes and the internet isn't really that much different than real life. It is just that on the internet, self-censorship doesn't happen as much and the social dynamics happen pretty fast.

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