Why the hell would Activision make CoD 5 during WWII

Heh, actually as I think about it, would be cool to have some sort of Post Apoc game where a lot of technology is eliminated and armies were using a mixture of WWII and more modern weapons. But as a CoD game i doubt it will go there.

In any case the guns during WWII were not weak... I mean ask anyone who got SHOT by them.

A lot of those bolt action rifles stayed on longer as sniper rifles because of their accuracy. Modern weapons have increased their power but now they are more to do with rapid fire and reload. I mean look how the M16 came around? worst rife ever, especially compared to the AK-47 however it was still adopted over the M1 Garand, mostly, i'd say, for it's rate of fire as a rifle.

But this stuff can all be researched. I suggest someone actually does that rather than insult people over the interblags
De-Ting said:
Inverted said:
I mean look how the M16 came around? worst rife ever, especially compared to the AK-47
Heheh, that's different in CoD4. :p

Well true (though I DO like the P90 and submachine gun weapons in that game, I guess thats just my playstyle) but in reality it WAS one of the worst weapons ever. I think the game uses an upgraded version. The reason why it was so bad had more to do with it's practicality and maintenance. It sure was powerful and accurate, BUT it needed to be cleaned constantly and considering their first service deployments that meant a LOT of time just training people. they were also largely plastic from memory and made horrible melee weapons. the AK on the other hand could be dragged through MUD and still fire, as well as a heavy stock and bayonet.
Inverted said:
Heh, actually as I think about it, would be cool to have some sort of Post Apoc game where a lot of technology is eliminated and armies were using a mixture of WWII and more modern weapons. But as a CoD game i doubt it will go there.

In any case the guns during WWII were not weak... I mean ask anyone who got SHOT by them.

A lot of those bolt action rifles stayed on longer as sniper rifles because of their accuracy. Modern weapons have increased their power but now they are more to do with rapid fire and reload. I mean look how the M16 came around? worst rife ever, especially compared to the AK-47 however it was still adopted over the M1 Garand, mostly, i'd say, for it's rate of fire as a rifle.

But this stuff can all be researched. I suggest someone actually does that rather than insult people over the interblags

See Fallout 3.

The current M16 is a totally different weapon from the 'Nam era. It's far superior now adays.

Madster, your SCAR is an ugly weapon. I do like the FN Five-seveN though.
xfire35 said:
there are some games that have russia and china as bad guys such as
c&c generals
world in conflict
among 4 or 10 others as modern games
so i would say try out those =P

Assuming you are talking to me.

I dont know why you mention China. But. Call of Duty was probably the first game ever to not depict Russians as sinister people plotting to overthrow the world with broken english. I MUST BREAK YOU!

Although Red Alert 2 was good fun.

Its not even bad because it's so cliche. It's just racist.

And its easy to do.
"We need a country of bad guys."
Communists durr
It writes itself.
zornlove said:
xfire35 said:
there are some games that have russia and china as bad guys such as
c&c generals
world in conflict
among 4 or 10 others as modern games
so i would say try out those =P

Assuming you are talking to me.

I dont know why you mention China. But. Call of Duty was probably the first game ever to not depict Russians as sinister people plotting to overthrow the world with broken english. I MUST BREAK YOU!

Although Red Alert 2 was good fun.

Its not even bad because it's so cliche. It's just racist.

And its easy to do.
"We need a country of bad guys."
Communists durr
It writes itself.

Commies aren't a race of people dude. Xenophobic is the word you're looking for.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
zornlove said:
xfire35 said:
there are some games that have russia and china as bad guys such as
c&c generals
world in conflict
among 4 or 10 others as modern games
so i would say try out those =P

Assuming you are talking to me.

I dont know why you mention China. But. Call of Duty was probably the first game ever to not depict Russians as sinister people plotting to overthrow the world with broken english. I MUST BREAK YOU!

Although Red Alert 2 was good fun.

Its not even bad because it's so cliche. It's just racist.

And its easy to do.
"We need a country of bad guys."
Communists durr
It writes itself.

Commies aren't a race of people dude. Xenophobic is the word you're looking for.

I was refering to the Russians, but yeah xenophobic would've worked better.
cod 5?

i agree that WW|| weapons are fun. but i also like the more modern games. i think its kinda bulls*** that their goin back to f**** WW|| cuz its just gonna be like COD3 and that was the worst game in the franchize, it looks to me like COD is goin down hill. they better blow gamers away with COD5 or no ones gonna buy it, gonna be like COD3 all over again

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