Which MGS villains would win?

Which MGS team would win?


    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deadcell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cobras

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beauty & Beast

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


So tired.
I hope this doesn't disrupt the Old Snake vs Cyborg Raiden topic, because I'm loving that topic.

But it seems people can't stop bringing up the past. So let's have a vote! Which team of baddies would win? Just vote for your fave, rank 'em or whatever.

Me, I'm all about FOX-HOUND.

Edit: My reasoning is that Liquid is on par with Ocelot when it comes to strategizing. But the team is much better as a whole. Mantis alone is a huge threat and i dare say that every one of them could go toe to toe with the B&B ripoffs. Their only weakness is that Octopus will die in the first five minutes.
I would agree that FOX-HOUND was harder to beat in the game.
But if we should put them in the same univers I would say Beauty and Beasts.
You kids, with your new-fangled gadgets!

Psycho can affect anyone with a brain. New Mantis (blanking on the gerund) can only get you if you have nanomachines. Which brings up a good point, does FOX-HOUND have them?

Plus, which team has Revolver Ocelot fighting on the front line.
Depends, does Fortune have her, you can't hurt me at all ability? Also, i'm pretty sure that the members of fox hound don't have nano machines in their bodies.
I'm going to go with FOXHOUND on this one, overall it's a much stronger group with amazingly skilled soldiers.
JCD said:
I'm going to go with FOXHOUND on this one, overall it's a much stronger group with amazingly skilled soldiers.

Aren't they all amazingly skilled soldiers? but I would agree that FOXHOUND would be the victor.
The FOXHOUND force group would not be that tough if you played it with MGS4 technology.
None of them have the power of flight or can control other people.
They are all smart and have exo-skeletons that make them even better.
Tylzen said:
The FOXHOUND force group would not be that tough if you played it with MGS4 technology.
None of them have the power of flight or can control other people.
They are all smart and have exo-skeletons that make them even better.
Ummm, Psycho Mantis ring any bells? That mother f***** made my controller move (not a euphamism).
I've seen all bosses, played all in the first 3. But nothing will compare to the awesome hype and excitement from the Foxhound bosses in MGS1. I loved it when they explained them all at the beginning...awesome!

Deadcell are shit. I reckon Cobras need a good shout, just because The End and The Fury were pretty cool.
I voted Foxhound cos they're fucking awesome.

The real question is; Who would win in a Sniper fight. Sniper Wolf, The End, or Crying Wolf.

Cold snowy weather in blizzard conditions. i.e like in the first and the 4th.

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