What's a fun but "wrong" way to play a video game?

Paul Tamburro

Executive Editor
Staff member
For instance, playing GTA V but choosing to abide by the law, stopping at traffic lights and adhering to speed limits. It's technically not how you're supposed to play GTA V, but some people get a kick out of it.

What are some other examples?
Currently for me is using non-meta weapons in Destiny 2. With so many guns to chose from, I typically only get killed by a certain handful of weapons. It gets very stale, even on the receiving end!

For others: trying to kill everything in stealth games or trying to stealth in action games comes to mind. Trying to punch every enemy even when you have guns. Those youtube videos using different controllers to play games (such as that video with a guy using a race wheel to play counterstrike). Playing poker for hours in Red Dead Redemption.

Watched one of my sons spend an hour just fine tuning his Destiny Hunter’s wardrobe. All the while he was sacrificing power and utility for just what looks better.

I do love playing dress up for my characters in games, but for Destiny 2 it's too much a handicap to trade stats for looks, the right armour types and mods just don't fit with my fashion style most of the time! I do like D2's customization though, and it can make you spend more time than you probably should trying on all the shaders for each piece of gear, and then try to coordinate/adjust other pieces based on the new "main" colour you've decided!
Watched one of my sons spend an hour just fine tuning his Destiny Hunter’s wardrobe. All the while he was sacrificing power and utility for just what looks better.
I'm very into this. I wish a lot of games used Diablo's method of allowing you to keep the style of a weapon / armour, but fuse it with other weapons to alter their stats. I got sad in Destiny 2 after my very good-looking boy was forced to wear uglier armour for the sake of upping my power level.

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