What would you do if you won the lottery?


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I don't buy lottery (or "lotto") tickets very often. Sometimes I do, but only when there's a huge prize involved. After all, you've gotta be in it to win it, right?

Here in Australia, there's a current lottery that's for forty million dollars, scheduled this Thursday night. I thought bugger it, so I bought myself a ticket. You never know.

What would you honestly do if you bought a lottery ticket and won the massive prize?

If I was lucky enough to win something like that, I would probably resign from my job and start trying to do my comics, cartoons and creative ambitions full time, maybe buy some new equipment like a new graphics tablet, camera gear etc. I'd like to give some money to my parents because of everything they've done for me in my life and I would like to buy a home. Maybe a few investment properties. I'd do my best to be smart about the money. I also wouldn't tell anyone, except for my immediate family.

What would you guys do?
Pay off my loans, quit my job, quit school then start living it up. I'd buy a house up in cottage country on the lake for quiet relaxation and a nice boat to go with it too. And incase it got boring/lonely I'd buy a condo in downtown Toronto to keep up with city events; something swanky with an indoor pool, sauna, gym, movie theater, all the fixings. Also I'd buy a new car, I'm not a car guy so I don't know what, but it would he something I love.

I'd probably invest some money too since I could see myself running through the remaining money fast after I bought all that stuff.
Master_Craig said:
If I was lucky enough to win something like that, I would probably resign from my job and start trying to do my comics, cartoons and creative ambitions full time, maybe buy some new equipment like a new graphics tablet, camera gear etc. I'd like to give some money to my parents because of everything they've done for me in my life and I would like to buy a home. Maybe a few investment properties. I'd do my best to be smart about the money. I also wouldn't tell anyone, except for my immediate family.
That's a good way to handle it, I think.

I would definitely put a huge chunk of change into my creative ambitions, too. I just have a whole nest of ideas right now that can't go anywhere because of where I'm at personally.

Speaking of which, I would also spare no expense having medical tests and studies done on myself. I'm not normal. I don't know what I am, but I'd like to know for myself, and I'd like to have scientific proof, in writing, that I could throw at some choice people's faces to get them off of my back. That is, of course, if modern science could actually tell me anything about myself. In terms of sleep, it has so far failed me spectacularly.

Next, there's some people I know who deserve a little something from me. I would give them enough to make sure they were never left wanting again.

Then, there's stuff for me. I have lived my entire life between the lower middle-class and the upper lower-class. Now, I'm not saying that's the worst place to be, obviously, but I'm always surrounded by things that straddle the line between "just good enough" and "not good enough" for me. Unreliable cars. Unreliable computers. Unreliable cell phones, chairs, beds, air conditioners, showers, sinks, appliances, headphones, microphones...you get it. I'm not saying I want the biggest TV, the priciest sports car, or the largest house, but I would like to have some good quality trappings, for once. I don't think there's anything wrong with anybody wanting that for themselves.

But you know, I come full circle with this thought and would easily say that the most important thing to me would be my creative ambitions. Books, movies, video games, music, these are what I wish I could make happen more than anything else. Maybe it's selfish of me, but I want to share stuff like that which could potentially make more of an impact on the world than money itself ever could.

Anyway, there's my unedited and uncut thoughts on the question at hand.
WickedLiquid said:
I'd probably invest some money too since I could see myself running through the remaining money fast after I bought all that stuff.
Exactly, many people go bankrupt due to their buying impulse and not financing it over time. I would just budget it out to live comfortably for the rest of my life. I don't need no fancy things.
Just buy a fuckload of houses and rent them out (keep the best one for myself obviously!)

Dont have to work, I'd just basically be a landlord for the rest of my life.

I'd treat myself to a nice car etc. Have champagne on tap. Get myself a pool and all that.
Asian brides will be scattered around my property of course.
Each serving me a different type of whisky everyday.
Then I'd do the same with hot german blondes and hot dogs.
Then perhaps get the special italian girls for massages....NURU massages of course baby!!
I'd pay someone to slap all the annoying people in my life and film it for my own amusement.
Oh, and I'd absolutely gem my way to maxed upgrades on Clash of Clans!
Buy all consoles and all the games I'd ever want - which means Wii U games galore.
Then I'd pay someone at Nintendo to incorporate a trophy/achievement system into the Nintendo console.
I'd buy Hideo Kojima and get him to fucking make Silent Hills again.


Shit, I'm out of money now aren't I? Kinda got carried away there!
I would first take care of my family. Then I would invest all of the money and with the monthly revenue, I would do many things, such as charity work.
Pay off whatever debts the family business has, invest a healthy chunk of what remains, then go back and get my Master's degree. Outside of what is strictly necessary I'll not tell a soul about winning, I hate the notion of burning bridges because suddenly I'm everyone's meal ticket.

All depends on how much there is to win and when though. I mean, being a cyborg would be neat too. A cyborg me with an attached t-shirt cannon might beat the hell out of higher-education me in most meaningful ways.
This is something I always think about whenever a big lottery pot is announced. What would I do if I won? Then I imagine all the stuff I'd do and then just get a little depressed when I don't win. :(

As it stands, the very first thing I would do is pay off all of my debts. I think I would actually be firmly in the middle class, if not upper middle class, if I didn't have so much debt hanging over my head. As it is, my family is pretty much treading water financially and it would be so nice to just get out of the water entirely.

Then, a house. Not a mansion or any crap like that, just a house where we can live comfortably, but definitely with an extra room or two for visiting family members. Plus a hobby room. Also make sure the place is arranged in such a way that is safest for our two kids, who are both autistic and really don't seem to have the best grasp on safe behavior. Hell, our two year old managed to get a 52" television off its wall mount and had it fall on him just last week. Thankfully he's okay, but we want a home where this could not have happened in the first place.

After that, definitely getting my parents out of any debt and finding them a house that they want for all the help they have given me over the years. I'm sure my wife would want to do the same for her family too.

After that, most of the money would probably be invested, with a good chunk available for everyday living. Definitely would take a few trips, as I've long wanted to visit Japan and also the British Isles.

Not sure if I would quit my job or not, to be honest. I probably would, but at the same time, I know I get really bored if I'm home for long stretches of time. The ability to buy things probably won't change that. Still, not having to worry about every outgoing dollar would be such a relief.

They say money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell provides some sense of stability that we've lacked for years. I'd love to give it a try sometime.
I agree, COMaestro. Money doesn't buy happiness but... it can seriously buy stability and comfort.

Sorry to hear about your boy with the TV falling on him. I'm glad to hear that he's okay, though. It sounds like you and your family have it tough and I'm sorry to hear that, I wish things were easier for you guys. I would like to help if I could help in some way. I'm sure we all would help you if we could. Not quite sure how though.

As for houses... I agree. I wouldn't want a mansion or anything ridiculous. I'd just want to buy a nice house, in a nice and relatively safe neighborhood. Three, maybe four bed rooms (visiting family members, or friends who may need a place to stay), two bath rooms, a garage that could fit two cars, a back yard big enough for a pet dog to run around... that sounds perfect to me. :)

I guess the reason why I would resign from my job is because if I had enough money like that to live on for the rest of my life, then I would like to pursue my creative interests "full time". Writing/drawing comic strips, a graphic novel, a YouTube channel, all the stuff I dream about but at the same time about, procrastinate about.
We have it somewhat tough, yes, but then you see things and realize it could be so much worse.

If I had some hobby I was really passionate about pursuing, then I would totally quit my job. And maybe someday I will find that passion. For now, sure, I love playing video and board games, reading, painting miniatures, building models, and even drawing a bit now and then, but not to the point that I'd quit my job to just do any of them.

It's great that you have that passion and hope you are able to fully pursue those dreams at some point.
Pay off college loans and my parents debts, and invest in the rest.

I am simple like that honestly. Wouldn't even stop working in the end, I enjoy teaching too much.

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