What is the greatest horror game of all time?

okay, lets face it, FEAR, Dead Space, Bioshock, and Resident evil 4 are not scary.
incredible games, yes, scary, no.
interchangable mutant creature thing X jumping out and going OOGA BOOGA is definitely STARTLING, but frightening?

i really need to play silent hill, it sounds awesome
radaclysm said:
okay, lets face it, FEAR, Dead Space, Bioshock, and Resident evil 4 are not scary.
incredible games, yes, scary, no.
interchangable mutant creature thing X jumping out and going OOGA BOOGA is definitely STARTLING, but frightening?

i really need to play silent hill, it sounds awesome

Yes you do. Buy Silent Hill 2 ASAP. And also...I'm probably going to get some flak for this...get Clock Tower 3 for the PS2. I literally had heart palpitations at a certain part in the game, and I'm not joking.

That goes for the rest of you. If you haven't played it, pick up CT3. Don't read the reviews, just buy it and play it(it's probably like 5 bucks new by now).
radaclysm said:
okay, lets face it, FEAR, Dead Space, Bioshock, and Resident evil 4 are not scary.
incredible games, yes, scary, no.
interchangable mutant creature thing X jumping out and going OOGA BOOGA is definitely STARTLING, but frightening?

i really need to play silent hill, it sounds awesome

Sorry, but when I faced the Regenerator in Dead Space that cannot be killed doesn't just do Ooga Booga but also Oooga Booga let's chop your head down and likes to follow you around rooms I was scared like hell.
I found Dead Space to be a terrible game. Anything beyond "startling" was lost on me because I was so irritated at the mechanics of it. I wrote a user review of it if you're interested in a quick read.

The most scared I've ever felt while playing a game was the Cradle level in Thief 3: Deadly Shadows and the first part of Left4Dead before I realized zombies < shotgun. For those of you that haven't played the Thief games I strongly advise you to try them out. Thief 3 is the best graphically and in overall style but Thief 1+2 have the best stories. I first played the Cradle level at midnight, before I knew it was supposed to be scary, and I was terrified.

In terms of gruelling gore, the Myth series has kept me up at night a couple times.
I love how people dont realizewat the horror genre is.
My favorte horror/horror survival/horror action and what not games-

1-RE, i was 9, it was terrifying.
2- Alien for the commadore- My dad had it, i was quite young, scary.
3- 343 Guilty Spark in th first Halo. Again, i was younger when it first came out, scaryscary.
4- RE4 - My pre-highschool game
5- Doom 3
Uver said:
I love how people dont realizewat the horror genre is.
It's not that so much, it's that the entire horror genre is basically divided into two sub-genres; survival horror (ie Resident Evil series) and psychological horror (ie Silent Hill series)
I have the first 2 silent hills and i don't find them to be that scary. tho it is a bit disturbing when pyramid head rapes the mannequin......
masterchris said:
Uver said:
I love how people dont realizewat the horror genre is.
It's not that so much, it's that the entire horror genre is basically divided into two sub-genres; survival horror (ie Resident Evil series) and psychological horror (ie Silent Hill series)

You forgot action horror(Resident Evil 4, Dead Space). No lack of ammo in those games, or horribly unresponsive controls.
The Marine campaign of Alien vs Predator 2 scared me a couple of times. Right at the beginning where you turn on the generator so the Dropship could land and you'll have to walk back through the maintenance tunnel... man! Suddenly a pipe bursts through the ceiling and it looks just like the top of an Alien head. I fired a clip at the thing before I realized my mistake.
FEAR, while others find it not a true horror game, had me jumping up from my seat. Damn that Alma! The way she appears just in the corner of your eyes is really masterfully done. The lift scene creeped me out the most. Light flickers on and off (making sure the player looks up), you look back and just for a second Alma pops up only to disappear again. Creepy shit man.

And the ultimate horror-survival game:
Dead Rising.
Loved it, still have to play it through to the end though.
^I lost count of how many times "i cast magic missile into the darkness" on the marine campaing of AvP2... Stupid motion sensors picking up every single movement. Knock a cup off a table; sensor gives a blip; marine fires an entire clip at it.
That sensor and the dark levels really kept the player on the edge of his seat... great game.
Very familiar indeed.

Summoner Geeks

Marine campaign was by far the scariest, Alien the most fun, Predator the most mediocre.
Online/LAN play rocked as well. My friend always played Predator (so his í¼bervision could always spot me and he could lock on = lamer). I kicked ass as an Alien though, bit his head off more than once.
^I used to play it online pretty often too, i used to ambush preds to avoid the lock-ons... Stupid discs were cheap as hell -.-

That evolution mode was really fun to play online... Nothing like seeing everyone, incluiding preds, scatter at the sight of an alien queen =D
IMO is silent hill 1, resident evils scares you with something that all of sudden jumps on the screen or something...it has more incidental scares when Silent Hill creates an atmosphere of terror where sometimes you dont see beyond the freaking flash light...I was young back when I played them and Resdient Evil 2 did scared me but it was Silent Hill that made me be afraid to complete the game...it even made me turn of my Playstation and it was in daytime lol
I know halo is on my list, because that one level is a lot like an action horror game. you never know whats coming next, you just saw a video of marines being torn apart, and you have no idea where the hell youre going
^Halo as a horror game, seriously?

Well, to each its own, but for me, being a highly trained soldier armed to the teeth kills the horror mood no matter how terryfing the levels are.
I was like, 9 or 10...give me a break...
And it figures i got to that level in the middle of the night.

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