what happened to the game revolution look!!?

I think were up to Charlie at this point.

And yeah, i'm not too crazy about the color scheme, but at the same time i'm open to change, so we'll see what happens.

Although the Teal/Red combo is pretty rough.
StalfrosCC said:
No no... we have gone back to Alpha, my friend.

You should make an Alpha even if they don't want. As a subsidiary of Crave, they must visit the site from time to time and having a new mockup of what we want should catch their attention since if they keep things like this they may start losing some of the traffic that comes through here, and no site wants that.

PS (that's right, not EDIT. This is just an afterthought and I don't wanna double post)

I say we prematurely nominate JCD and Nick_Tan for posters of the year since they found the links to give us access to editing our forum profiles and viewing our PMs. Very useful and I say they deserve one of these:
schimmel said:
letusprey said:
3. I want the recent forum posts back. :cry:

They're still there. Just not on the homepage. Open up any review page and you'll see them. Just another bug being worked out in the transition, I guess. The sooner they can get on the homepage the better.

Ahhh, there they are. Thanks 8)

EDIT: I am not wearing the sunglasses because I am feeling cool, I am wearing them because when I am on the forums for more then 2 minutes my eyeballs burn.
Holy Christ this is ugly as sin...
I can literally feel my eyes watering, not because I'm sad but because the white is so difficult to gaze upon..

Whatever douchebag decided this would be a good thing needs to be hurt. Badly.
Holy s**t.

That was the very first thing I said when I saw this. Everything but the forums is better looking, I think. I liked the old forums better, it was much easier to look at.
I suppose I can get used to the stupid top navigation bar instead of the good old side navigation bar (let's face it, the side bar forces space to be wasted further down), but can I at least get the option of a comfortable colour scheme? It doesn't even have to be the default, as long as I can change the settings to show the old colours. This is painful, not to mention ugly.
The homepage is totally screwed up for me. I didn't read anything other than this, so I dunno if it's been mentioned, but the little scrolling-picture gaming news thing is like right in the middle of the page and covering other links and such.
Okay, not even joking... my eyes hurt so fucking much now. I actually had to put on my glasses, which I only wear when doing really eye-straining things. Oh and now my head fucking hurts... wonderful. If the advertisers wanted this, they are morons...

Also, this color scheme in general is hideous. Red, greyish blue, shit-tons of white and a hint of black? Who combines all of those? Why not add vomit green and shit brown? Maybe a random plaid square in the top right corner and a lightning bolt in the bottom left corner?

Ok, sorry for the sarcasm, but seriously, whoever chose this color combination should be shot in the eyes... he/she is obviously not using them properly anyway.

I can get used to the actual layout, that doesn't seem like a huge deal. I'm sure once the bugs are worked out it will be fine. (and please god the colors, please let the colors be temporary, pretty please... don't make me pull out the secret weapon... I'm gonna do it... pweez? :( <- who can say no to that?)
One thing I did notice though is that it's real hard to find member reviews on the website now, unless if you look at the official reviews on the game, which means games without reviews are pretty much non-existent unless if you look at the users profile, which I am sure no one will, lol.
You know, the saddest thing about this "change" is that it just makes GR another rank and file game site like ign or gamespot,

This is two steps backwards circuit city style, kill off all the regulars to replace with a bunch of stupid.
tigerlily521985 said:
Okay, not even joking... my eyes hurt so f****** much now. I actually had to put on my glasses, which I only wear when doing really eye-straining things. (and please god the colors, please let the colors be temporary, pretty please... don't make me pull out the secret weapon... I'm gonna do it... pweez? :( <- who can say no to that?)

You know, I for one think girls who wear glasses actually look much better in them than in contacts? Just a personal thought though. I know Crave can't see you but still.

Then again, I can't say no to that face, and I'm sure the guys at Crave will cave after a while if they read this topic and see you doing that. Send them an email and we may stand a chance at getting our red and black back.
It's all up to you now, Tigerlilly. Make us proud!
tigerlily521985 said:
If the advertisers wanted this, they are morons...

Actually they are pretty smart. We'll use less time on these boards, more time shopping. Mission succeeded. I'm already used to all this white. Maybe because other site I reckon have had exactly the same change.
I don't really find the white too bright or whatever, but I liked the old colour scheme - it was a very unique look for GR.
Affen said:
tigerlily521985 said:
If the advertisers wanted this, they are morons...

We'll use less time on these boards, more time shopping. Mission succeeded. I'm already used to all this white. Maybe because other site I reckon have had exactly the same change.

More like less time on these boards, more time looking at other peoples' ad links.
Don't they realize that bright lights are the last thing a gamer needs!? I actually got a head ache from being on this site for half an hour. Dear God atleast give us a damn choice between the color scheme!

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