What game do you think has the most realized virtual world?

I would have to agree, I was more immersed in morrowind than I was in oblivion. As for immersion, I would say that kotor made me actually feel like a jedi. Its, funny, all of these "immersion" games are rpg's.
^It's cause they're made to actually have a decent storyline. Other genres just don't cut it. Maybe the first halo's storyline was decent, and I was a little sucked in, but besides that, I really can't name a lot of recent games with a story worth mentioning.
PsionicSoldier said:
elder scrolls morrowind. plain and simple. its larger and more varied then oblivion.

Ya know, it's funny. I tried to start playing Morrowind after I'd already started Oblivion. And it's just plain impossible. The graphics are freakin horrendous, conversations consist entirely of text, there is nothing but fog 20 feet beyond your field of view, and your magicka doesn't regenerate. On top of that, every time you swing a weapon, a roll of dice determines whether or not you actually hit what you're swinging at. So you might hit something, say, 3 out of 10 times.

Thanks, but no thanks. Rose-tinted glasses to the tenth power.

Oblivion is vastly superior, plain and simple. Some people may believe that unnecessary complexity = a better game experience. But I'm not one of those people.
I can't stand the swinging thing you do with weapons in Oblivion. Ten minutes after starting, I just said fuck this, and gave the game back to the store.
Diabolus, I love you. Not in a " You're hot so let's do a no pants dance" kinda way, but in a "You remind me of me and I'm a narcissist" kinda way.
Diabolus said:
jivesc00ter said:
what about shadow of the colossus for the good old ps2? i wouldnt say that world feels lived in because its meant to be a desolate and forboding holy place that know one is to set foot on but when your riding across the plains it feels like your in some forgotten ancient world

I actually have that game laying here, but I've never played it. I found it at Kmart in the bargain bin for 20 bucks a month or so ago.

I'm hoping to find Heavenly Sword in a bargain bin sometime, but alas it hasn't happened yet. :(

if you have a ps3 play it in wide screen with the smoothing on, its still jaw dropping it really is art
Scooter, drop everything and play Shadow of the Colossus. Immediately!

I have to agree that Morrowind is horribly dated, especially compared to the superior Oblivion. But if I can defend the guy who said it was more varied for a second; the politics of the Morrowind territory seem more relevant and normal than those of Oblivion. There is an incredible amount of conflict in almost every pub you enter and certainly these brooding conflicts exists in every legion or guild you enter. Both games benefit from the multiple races and cultures packed into the places, but Morrowind's seem to be more realized by the everyday people.
used44 said:
Scooter, drop everything and play Shadow of the Colossus. Immediately!.

ha no i have beaten it twice good sir but i was recomending that to him as the best way to play the game, he said he picked it up out of a value bin and hasnt gotten around to it

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