What game are you most ashamed you haven't played?


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What high-profile game are you most ashamed that you haven't played?

I've never played Super Metroid, and I feel like that's a huge gap in my gaming history. I've also never played Earthbound. More recently, I still haven't played Persona 4. I even own it on the Vita, and it's the cart that's been in my Vita for over a year and I haven't started it. Shameful around these parts, I know.
Any Mass Effect game. But it's just going to take sooo long to complete them all now. The thought exhausts me.
The Bioshock series. Never played any of them. Not Bioshock, Bioshock 2 or the latest one, Bioshock: Infinite.

I'm also ashamed to have never played the JRPG Ni No Kuni. I bought it for my brother but I never ended up playing it. Whoops.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 for the Wii is another one too.
Does this count games you've played for an hour but then gave up on? Because if so, Super Mario Galaxy. Everyone loves it and it didn't click for me.

Also X-Com and Valkeria Chronicles. I bought them but just never got around to playing them.
*deep breath*

OK... I can do this...

This is embarrassing to admit for sure... But... I... I....

I have never played Final Fantasy Tactics....

Used, please forgive me.
Excepting the original arcade cabinet, I've never played a Donkey Kong game. I never got around to playing them when I had a lot of time and ROMs, and now I don't have much time.
I've never played any Metroid game

I also started it and didn't play for long.

Though I played it on PSP and those load times killed me.
Any Disgaea, but then again I don't hate myself that much.

And FF Tactics like everyone else it seems.

Forgot one! SMT Nocturne! I've had it for a long time, I've just never had the time to sit down with it, it would be perfect on the Vita IMO.
StudioTan said:
What is wrong with you people?! Go play those games!!

In my defense, Batman: Arkham Asylum was utterly sublime, and if not for a week or two ago, it would been on this list.

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