What did you learn today?


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In today's busy world, it's easy to go through life without stopping to appreciate the knowledge you've gained every day, and how you can share that knowledge with others and grow inside. Let's all use this topic as a place to safely share any life lessons we've gained. All aboard the discovery train! I'll start.

This morning I learned: if you're driving to work and you really need to take a shit, DO NOT activate your car's seat warmers, no matter how cold you may be. That warm seat is just going to make your need to shit so much more urgent.
It's a good thing I don't have seat warmers, also what i learned today while walking to my classes most people don't look before crossing the street. I swear these people just deserve to be hit because they obviously suck at life.
Haha! Noted. But seat warmers?! Fancypants.

Today I learnt that the continent what I thought was called Australasia...is actually just called Australia (according to wikipedia ;)).....

be patient, I'm working towards better life goals here.
I learned that making an appointment with someone doesn't mean keeping that appointment when something else much better comes along.
Today I learned that earthquakes suck, but really aren't that bad. But they will wake you up at 5:30 in the morning and be really annoying.
Over the weekend I learned if I'm sitting in my friend's basement inhaling second hand smoke from cigarettes for over 8 hours, I'll get the most brutal fucking headache ever the next day.

Seriously, it made hangovers I've had feel like orgasims.... Ok that's pushing it, but MAN, do I hate headaches!
Today I learned not to walk barefoot across a floor covered in left-over adhesive from 14-years of easy-stick tiles on it. I felt like I was walking across fly-paper
Today i learned that botulism isnt as deadly as i thought.

(no did not have botulism)

But there was a dented can of salmon in the cupboard and i ate it which prompted me to refresh my knowledge of botulism whilst eating it.

For future reference it may be better to research what may kill you BEFORE you do it, not whilst doing it.

But botulism has like a 2% fatality rate now because of handy respirators. I thought it was a death sentence. That said, it still doesnt sound at all fun so dont just go out and ingest something crawling with it for the lolz.
I learned that going with then flow of traffic is stupid. Since the highway patrol will pull over a group of four cars out of ten in order to meet end of month quotas. 10 miles over, on the interstate with everybody else...
The police's quota isn't based on month, it's based on some other thing. That way, you won't go "Oh I'll drive as fast as I can except on the end of the month when I'll be expecting them."
I learned that I can't benchpress worth a shit. Where is Shane when you need him?

I also learned that I will be picking up my 360 slim tomorrow.
I learned that without the introduction of leap years, today's date would be about mid-July of 2013.
You have to a wait week before the court will process the ticket, Rain.

And Longo, you have quotas in some areas aNd you don't in others. But a lot of cities go by the quarter and a calculated traffic fines per day standard. I know in one city in Utah they have a specific squad that only does traffic violations so that the others can focus on the other stuff.
I learnded many things in my maths and business studies classes, of which i can remember about 5% because it was so massively boring and un-useful.

I also found out that going to the gym once a week is simply not enough to gain muscle at any reasonable rate, which means i'll have to break myself more often.

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