What are ya playing?

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I play it enough that I've gotten pretty good at it.

If you're having trouble, play medic and learn the maps and such that way.
I had pretty mixed feelings on Bioshock Infinite. On one hand, I think it was really good at getting you immersed in the setting, plot, and characters. I was always interested in finding out what was next. On the other hand, it's really heavy on the shooting almost to the point where it seems shoehorned in to make it seem more "videogamey." I liked the combat in earlier Bioshock titles but it didn't sit too well with me in Infinite, especially during larger scale fights.
Absolutely loving Assassin's Creed Black Flag now.

Started it over and didn't allow the whole computer simulation thing bother me this time. Just running around collecting stuff and jumping all over is fun as hell. Gonna clear every area before I move on with the story line.

The game is so beautiful I'm seriously contemplating dropping a few grand for a much needed vacation.
intoTheRain said:
The game is so beautiful I'm seriously contemplating dropping a few grand for a much needed vacation.

Haha I can imagine Assassin's Creed being responsible for making everyone want to go to Italy, Cuba, Boston etc
Very tempted to play Mass Effect again... >.<

What I might do is just start from Mass Effect 2 and not worry about Mass Effect 1. Just use my save data from last year.

Oh God why do I do this to myself.
Because the mass effect series is one of the best series in gaming. Even with all its shortcomings.

I've played every class and I still play it all the way through at least once a year. My girlfriend is about to play them for the first time and I will probably play them again to.
Played Destiny's beta earlier, but I rather play MK8. Anyways, finished 50cc grand prix and moving on up to 100cc
So it's not just me getting old, then (or is it)? I felt so shamed that I sucked pretty hard at 150cc.

50cc was as I suspected, my run through 100cc had a few surprises that I thought were bs, but overall was not bad... and then shit went down after that. Once you go off track or bump something in the slightest, you're done. Welcome the onslaught of bombs and shells and waves of energy.

So I need to spend some time getting to know the tracks better. Some familiar shortcuts remain.
Sightless said:
So it's not just me getting old, then (or is it)? I felt so shamed that I sucked pretty hard at 150cc.

50cc was as I suspected, my run through 100cc had a few surprises that I thought were bs, but overall was not bad... and then shit went down after that. Once you go off track or bump something in the slightest, you're done. Welcome the onslaught of bombs and shells and waves of energy.

So I need to spend some time getting to know the tracks better. Some familiar shortcuts remain.

Yeah we all know how bad I beat you and I'm still having some issues with 150cc.
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