Top 10 ultra-violent games of 2005


This here is a list of the top 10 ultra-violent video games of 2005.

In no order the list is.
-Resident Evil 4
-Grand Theft Auot: San Andreas
-God of War
-Killer 7
-The Warriors
-50 Cent: Bulletproof
-Crime Life: Gang Wars
-Condemned: Criminal Origins
-True Crime: New York City

Just thought you people would find it intresting what parents shouldn't be buying.
Some days I want my kid to be a sociological experiment....Get him into games like Condemed at a young age...Have him watch all sorts of twisted movies, read all kinds of disturbing books.

Then the other part of me thinks not.

I was only five percent serious btw.
White_Rabbit said:
Some days I want my kid to be a sociological experiment....Get him into games like Condemed at a young age...Have him watch all sorts of twisted movies, read all kinds of disturbing books.

Then the other part of me thinks not.

I was only five percent serious btw.

You mean psychology experiment? Sorts of that type have been done already.
Generally, that engaging in violent entertainment makes one more prone to aggression and that those more subjected to violent mediums at a younger age are more aggressive later in life.
Ted_Wolff said:
Generally, that engaging in violent entertainment makes one more prone to aggression and that those more subjected to violent mediums at a younger age are more aggressive later in life.

Figured it would be as much. Well...Saves me doing it to my own children!

Not like I ever would really. I'm already nervous as to how they'll turn out and they aren't even here yet!
Yeah, that's probably it. I thought maybe they confused San Andreas with Liberty City Stories.
Ted_Wolff said:
Generally, that engaging in violent entertainment makes one more prone to aggression and that those more subjected to violent mediums at a younger age are more aggressive later in life.

It would be wrong to put the kid through that for the sake of the test. Its messing up his life in the future.
You suck man, God of War, RE4 and GTA were all SICK games. You don't like that list then you must be gay.

The Punisher? That games sucked.
BoBamSlam said:
You don't like that list then you must be gay.

You must be in high school.

Also, he didn't say the Punisher was a good game. He asked if it came out this year. It was pretty violent...Came out this year possibly...Violent...See where we're going with this?
lol actually it was.

But technically it was re released in 2005 so it's all good.

But no one mentioned the Suffering Ties That Bond.

Or heck Mortal Kombat Shalonk Monks.

Or that new Mark Of Cry Game

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