To bass, or not to bass


As some of you may know (but most likely none of you), I'm a bass player. I've recently thought about picking up a new bass. At the store near my house, there's an Ibanez BTB for $400 (normal price is $700). I was thinking about making the purchase, but then I realized, "Do I really need a new bass?"

I've been playing my Soundgear for about 5 years, and it's served me very well. It's not broken, and it still plays great. I'm not in a band, and I only play casually. So I ask you GR, should I make the jump, or just be happy with what I have? Is there a point in getting another 4 string bass, or is upgrading a good option.

Note: I'm not looking for advice on what to buy, because I have the one bass (see above) in mind. If you have a good 5-string in mind, let me know.

And for you assholes who are just going to tell me bass sucks, fuck you: ... ure=search
Bass is the instrument people play when they can't play any instruments.

You should spend the money on a keytar instead. Bitches love keytar.
Oh ALF, you're so silly, you can't eat cats that's disturbingly cruel and sick! Oh will he ever learn *chuckle*

If bass is your hobby then go for it!

Also, in before SLAPPY DE BASS MON!
I actually play classical guitar, but I'm not really good at it. I'm a very fast learner though apparently, because I was able to play the same shit after only one year that people playing for 4 years were learning how to play. But yeah.
I just got a '71 Fender P-Bass from my uncle that kicks ass, but before that I had a Soundgear that I'd used for a good three-four years before that I really had no complaints with. I still play both instruments now. I think if you want the versatility of having a couple different basses around then go for it, but I was plenty happy with just one myself.
That's twice in this thread where I first read "soundgear' as "soundgraden".

I think I need to listen to some Down on the Upside.

A buddy of mine plays bass and really digs Flea's stuff in Chili Peppers. You a big Chili Peppers fan Rakon?
I like this bass
Right. I guess I didn't, er, realize that was what you were referring to.

And there's never a reason not to post that gif.
WickedLiquid said:
You a big Chili Peppers fan Rakon?

Yes. Yes I am. Flea is definitely the most influencial on my playing of any other player.

Keepit, the only thing is I don't see myself keeping 2 bass guitars, especially if they're both 4 string. The issue is do I upgrade for the sake of upgrading, or just hold on to my money and buy a bunch of video games?
Longo_2_guns said:
Bass is the instrument people play when they can't play any instruments.

I get what you're saying, anyone can pick up a bass pluck one note and call it a bass line, but I just hope there is understanding that actually learning to play/playing the instrument requires a decent level of skill.

@Rakon, depends on how casual you are. Ibanez BTBs are top fucking notch. If you spend more time on video games or just enjoy playing them more, go with that man

Pictured: The only career job if you pick up the bass. Not pictured, Syphilis, constant stomachache, losing sanity and common sense ... therefore Paradise!

Bassist rock!

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