"Thick hiking, stevye throat and mouth only"



1 - Put a text in the box ( ex:"You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow")
2 - Put the number of translation you want
3 - Click on translate
4 - Watch the text being translate in to another language and back in english
5- Admire the results ("Thick hiking, stevye throat and mouth only")
You just got served! --> I just got a job!
I'm going to put my foot up your ass! --> Go to my feet, I feel it in my ass.
Deal with it. --> Convention.
God bless those pagans. --> God Bless America.
You black and white son of a gun! --> He is a black and white, not happy!
I think it's a fun tool to see how some very simple messages can be lost in translation, and how it's extremely important to keep in mind how subjective and sometimes inaccurate interpretations are. I think this is a valuable tool when it comes to understanding others, and how we communicate.


I love sandwiches --> I like sandwiches
"Unacceptable? Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!"

...10 translations later we get:

"I do not accept? Have a pool? They bitch!"

"Unacceptable? Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!"

...56 translations later we get:

"I agree, as the pool man"
Original text:

"How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

...50 translations later we get:

"Tuesday Zíªzere SAVAK SAVAK!"

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