There goes the neighborhood

So, found out shortly before Thanksgiving I am going to be a dad!

Tentative due date for now is July 28th. While unexpected, my and my girlfriend are both really excited. It is the first child for both of us. Was wondering what people who were parents here went through with their first child.

Any hints or suggestions?
Nice shootin' from the hip there buddy. I know Bret is a glorious dad. I await his response for you!
I was thinking the name "Longo Grubbs" if it is a boy.

Not only does it has a ring, it could prove useful with the ladies later in life. Long...goes....Grubbs. Eh? Eh? Anybody?
Congratulations! It's a sleep deprived, thankless task but such a rewarding experiencing. Nothing makes you feel more complete than parenthood and looking at your beautiful, innocent child.
What can I tell you? First, start choosing to go to sleep. Sleeping in becomes a luxury and you're going to hold strange hours. Second, grab a big box of diapers from Newborn to size 2 and some wipes over the next couple of months. It helps out a heap financially if you get them over time and not all at once. is an excellent way to save money. Third, learn to be less selfish. Give your child your attention, give him your resources, give her your love, give and they'll pay you back. Fourth, enjoy every moment. I can't believe that I have two boys that are 5 and 4 already. The time flies. Don't waste it wishing they could walk or talk or whatever. Enjoy them in the now. Fifth, get ready to realize that all your skills and logic mean nothing to a baby/toddler. It's hard, it's frustrating, but remember that they're figuring it out the same as you. Patience is your best tool, be that support for your girlfriend and let her be yours. Best of luck. Never be ashamed to ask questions or ask for help.

Totally weird that I'm married and you're now becoming a father. It seems like just yesterday that we were idiot teenagers goofing around on GR.
Awesome news about becoming a pappy.

It you want baby names, let me volunteer some of my stage names: Chet Manly, Dick Powers, or Sexton Hardcandy.
Welcome to the world of smelly diapers. Congrats!

I don't have kids so I can't offer any advice, but my friends who are fathers have pretty much said the exact same things as Bret.

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