The terrorists actually won

It's pretty sad and only made worse that this younger social media generation coming up hardly cares about privacy anyway so I doubt there will be much of a fuss made over this when there are far more important issues to deal with like making sure facebook has enough gender selections to choose from or trying to shut down speech from people you disagree with or whatever else these wacky kids are up to these days.

The terrorism angle was a convenient way to greatly expand and speed up the spying programs, but I think this was an eventuality considering programs by the government that were used to spy on their own people dates all the way back to the 40's I think.
C_nate said:
The terrorism angle was a convenient way to greatly expand and speed up the spying programs, but I think this was an eventuality considering programs by the government that were used to spy on their own people dates all the way back to the 40's I think.
Yep, but i don't think any of us expected it to be this widespread this soon.
We have literal months left before the majority of the population on this planet has no more expectation of privacy whatsoever.

All these battles against encryption, every government storing everything you do constantly, microsoft straight up telling people they look at all their personal files and google backflipping on their stay-anonymous stance so hard they've convinced half the population to use their real names for everything, and nobody could give less of a shit.
I give the US government 10 more years until it starts widespread censorship like what china are doing, and that's being goddamn optimistic considering how they're already on the path towards this shithole and the UK, where free speech just doesn't exist.

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